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How do I let him down gently?


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I'm feeling really guilty now about having to 'reject' someone who I think I may have lead on. Any tips?


He was this guy I was somewhat interested in, and I guess I showed signs that I was interested. However, I've seen him several times (in group gatherings) since then and I've realised he's not for me. He's not a bad person, but I know now that I don't want to go out with him.


A while ago I said (as a very general, passing statement) 'we should do coffee sometime'. Since then, he has plagued me with really keen text messages, trying to arrange a time to meet. Thankfully I've been able to avoid him with excuses so far, but he hasn't gotten the hint (which is understandable since coffee was my idea and he thinks I really want to see him!).


He's a nice guy, and I don't want to hurt his feelings. I know what it's like to be rejected (oh boy do I know) and I don't want to make someone feel like that. Any advice? Thanks!

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Go out with him for that coffee, Once there, tell him you want to be friends. Don't reject him completely. By saying you want to be friends, he'll get the picture, but at least in his head, he'll be able to say hi to you withought being mad about anything.


Dont go to a classy cappucino place, go to Tim Hortons or something, a regular coffee shop in your area, im from canada so Tim's is my place to go. Hang with him for a 1/2 hour, and dont make constant eye contact.


Thats the best I can think of, cause If you tell him your not interested, him being a nice guy and all, it'll hurt a little. It's normal. I just hope he doesn't dream about you every night. Guys do that sometimes when we like a woman. "Doesn't mean dirty dream though! Romantic or just a What would I do kinda dream."


Anyways, good luck

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someone did that too me and it made me feel poopy . But i guess telling him in another way could suck more. If he was really into u , he may not show it too much but if he realllllly liked u, just get ready for some cold shoulders and silence from him just letting u know, over time he will be ok.

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Pay someone to hit on him, make a move on him, and ask him out on a date!!!!

let her tell u where they are going!!! and act like ur bumping into them by accident


ull never EVER have to answer any of his calls again!!!


i tried this once!! it works! and u can avoid all that explaining and S##T


good luck!

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