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Giving up or avoiding?


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How to understand whether a girl who likes (liked?) you suddenly stopped the enthusiatic and passionate contact because

a) she is giving up on you, e.g. because she thinks that you like her only as a friend and nor "more"


b) she doesn't like you anymore and is trying to avoid you so that you don't make any first move?


I really need this some answers seriously and quite urgently.


Please share any ideas. What hints should I look out for?

What kind of behavior is more like "giving up" and what kind is more of "avoiding"?


What are the distinguishing features of these two types of behavior?


I really need some ideas.



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Sorry I just read that you haven't.! what has the contact been like? Face to face, on the phone, have you gone on dates?


I wrote the entire story here...



But I simply have no clue where to start. It seems the most impossible task of my life.


I can't sleep, can't eat, get headaches.. because of this...




The main reason I am unsure about making the move is that I don't want to loose her as a friend either!! She's not only my friend, but an essential part of my closer social network, my family, family friends, my best friends, etc.

I don't want to put a pressure on her that will cause her to abandon me also as a friend...

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