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Does specific advice ever work?


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Have you ever asked advice on how to get a specific girl... and then actually got that girl??


I am asking this because of my own failures. I have the impression (and experience) that whenever I need to ask advice about a very specific situation, from friends and from a forum, I am destined to fail anyway.


The only advice that seems to work is general advice, that can work with many people... but whenever I ask something about a very specific situation, how to save a relationship with a specific girl, how to approach that one girl I like... I always fail.


I am asking because I would like to hear some positive testimonials, just for the sake of encouraging myself... just to know whether asking advice is useful afterall...

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Sometimes people can take the advice of others but the way they apply the advice is different so that it doesn't work. For example, if someone advises you to go up to a woman and ask her out..so you do..but you approach the woman by saying "hey baby, how's about you and I go grab dinner sometime and then go back to my place for fun"..the woman rolls her eyes and says no. So the delivery is just as important as the method used.

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I'm not sure what you're after, do you mean in dating? Because the post is in Personal Growth.


I have followed advice given to me regarding my ex which gave me clarity and helped me leave him. I consider that the advice given made a POSITIVE change in my love life..

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Define 'get' please. Get her to talk with you? Like you? Go out with you? Kiss you? Have sex with you? Fall in love with you? Marry you?


Anything positive, as opposed to reject, refuse, break-up, cheat, friend-zone, and the usual stuff people come here to complain about...

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Anything positive, as opposed to reject, refuse, break-up, cheat, friend-zone, and the usual stuff people come here to complain about...


Well, the best way to get her to smile at you is to smile at her. You could start there. If you have success then the next step is talking. Say hello and you will probably get her to talk to you.


And so on:


If you want to get her to spend time with you, offer to spend time with her.


get to know you, get to know her

go out with you, offer to go out with her

kiss you or hold your hand, kiss her or hold her hand


that's how it works

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Well, the best way to get her to smile at you is to smile at her. You could start there. If you have success then the next step is talking. Say hello and you will probably get her to talk to you.


And so on:


If you want to get her to spend time with you, offer to spend time with her.


get to know you, get to know her

go out with you, offer to go out with her

kiss you or hold your hand, kiss her or hold her hand


that's how it works


My question here was: did such advice ever work when people came here and asked for specific advice on specific people they liked?

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