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Something strange going on

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I was talking to my ex today and she kept hinting at something being wrong. I asked once and only once if she wanted to talk about anything and she kept saying that no she didnt want to talk about it.


I was thinking that either shes upset because she can't have this other guy who she has feelings for because he has a girlfriend.


Or perhaps shes coming to terms with reality and realizing that maybe she made a mistake and is to proud to admit it.


I'm sticking to the no contact rule of having her approach me and contact me, so far shes done it every day. I'm trying to still seem caring but distant and uncaring at the same time.


What does everyone think that this stuff could mean?


She also kept saying how she didnt want to wake up in the morning etc.

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Everything you just described maybe the factors. But if she avoids the subject of talking about what happened, then maybe she has something to hide, and may want to "toy" with you a little bit. I had the same things happen to me in the past, but sometimes it's hard to decode what she might be doing. It's more on your part to see if you feel that your can give trust towards her to talk and pursue what she might be wanting to talk about, that she maybe having a hard time getting out. It seems to me that maybe the reason to what your seeing. It's a good thing to enforce the "no contact" rule, it keeps you from getting hurt and having to deal with stress you dont need. take care. late.

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Speaking for myself..when I say 'I don't want to talk about it'..I DOWANT to talk about it!' (ah, women..aren't we fun?) She may need a bit of coaxing.


Perhaps try saying 'Anything on your mind?' or 'Are you ok?' instead of 'Do you want to talk?' Subtle changes in wording can make a world of difference.


Her saying she 'does not want to wake up in the morning' is a bit of a concern. Does she seem depressed? It appears she is trying to get your attention on several levels.

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Also we have a dance class that we're supposed to go to tomorow night (friday night). I think it would be a good opportunity to show her that im alright with everything now, and at the same time maybe make her wonder about the decision that she made. She seems up to going still which i think is a good thing.

I was wondering peoples thoughts on this subject.

Also it is getting close to that time of the month for her (the placebo week of the pill starts tomorow i believe) and i was wondering could all of this emotional confusion be brought on perhaps by pms? I noticed that she used to get super emotional around this time and would be very irrational.


Lastly, I was wondering how i would go about letting her know that i think she still needs to think things through more, things like this can't be decided in 2 days (i pushed for a decision my bad!), especially when we had something so wonderful and deep. Should I let her know what i think about this or just wait until she talks to me about it if she ever does?

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