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A lot of stress. Don't know what to do.

Sam _

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I'm in college on a grant, this is my first year. I work a part time job, 22-hours a week at minimum wage ($7.25 per hour). I've got to pay $610 in bills and $430 because I had to get my car repaired. My job requires a lot of physical labor. I am also a full-time college student. I'm thinking about leaving college because the amount of stress I've been having is beginning to really affect me as a whole. I'm nowhere near as happy as I used to be, barely getting any sleep, more easily frustrated. I don't know what to do here.

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I am always believe that your education should be the most important thing and it should come before anything else....however I also understand that we all have bills to pay...


I would suggest you don't drop out completely maybe take a semester off until you can get on your feet, we all need a break at some point.


I feel your pain I am a full time student and I work full time as well...it can be overwhelming..

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What can you cut out of your budget to pursue the most important thing : your college education?


I didn't have a car in college and made do. Do you really need a cell phone when you have a phone in your dorm? Are you eating/drinking outside of college? Is everything that you actually need...not 'need' provided for you at college?


Time to buckle down and get your degree, the fun stuff can come later. I know it is tough, and a lot of weak-willed individuals do drop out of college and end up not finishing...but are you really in that class of people?

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$200- My car insurance

$200- My loan payment (got the loan to buy the car)

$100- Gas (per month)

$110- Internet and laptop (both are necessities due to a couple of my classes)


$260- Speeding ticket for going 5 above the speed limit.

$160- For getting a large scrape on my car repaired.


I don't have a cell and I live with my mother who lives paycheck to paycheck like I am right now. I really think skipping this semester might be the best thing. I've got $1073 in grant money coming so maybe I can put that to some of my bills

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My mother works all the time. Only time she is home is 8pm til 4am, then she goes back to work. And both me and my mother need our own cars because where she works is about 40 miles away from where we live in the opposite direction of where I drive to go to school and work.

My college is 20 miles away from my house and the only way there is by highway and it is illegal where I live to ride a bike or walk next to the highway There is no way around my bills.

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$200- My car insurance

$200- My loan payment (got the loan to buy the car)

$100- Gas (per month)

$110- Internet and laptop (both are necessities due to a couple of my classes)


$260- Speeding ticket for going 5 above the speed limit.

$160- For getting a large scrape on my car repaired.


I don't have a cell and I live with my mother who lives paycheck to paycheck like I am right now. I really think skipping this semester might be the best thing. I've got $1073 in grant money coming so maybe I can put that to some of my bills


You need to break things down and put things into perspective. The good news is that the speeding ticket and car repair are a one off. I would advise you to put your education first - hang in there - we all have hard times - it will pass. Show me a student who isn't broke? Education is your future - it will enable you to earn higher wages - don't throw it away over temporary funds issues. Trust me - if it's not one thing, it's another in this life. Stick to your education at all costs. It will benefit you in the future.

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When I was in undergrad, I knew a few people who had to drop out due to finances. I also had one roommate who worked a lot and stayed in school. She didn't have any financial help from her parents, so she really had to push herself.


You might be able to consider lowering your courseload for a quarter or two rather than dropping out completely. Another idea would be to go to the student assistance center and talk to one of the counselors there. They have a lot of experience helping students figure out options to get through school and they might have some ideas for you.


Hopefully you will figure out a way to stay in college.


good luck!

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