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Heres the situation, I was going out with a girl for a while and things were going fantastic, until recently. We started to argue quite a bit and then her ex boyfriend came into the picture, now she tells me that she doesnt have any feelings left for me and her feelings for him have come back. Everyone thinks that she is confused and not sure about what to do, it makes sense to me and even her best friend told me that the relationship that she had with me was way deeper then anything she ever had with the ex. She said that she needed time to think things through and I got sick of sitting around waiting and not knowing whats going on. Today I told her that i dont need that and that im done with it.


Now i still feel exactly the same towards her except im hurt. I would really like to get her back because the relationship was the best one ive ever had, and from what i gather she has had aswell.


I was just looking for some advice on what course i should take to kind of bring her back to me without making her angry and just pushing her farther away from me.

I'm terrible in these situations, but every girl ive ever dated has told me that she misses me being with her and is still kicking herself about letting me go.


Any help would be great.

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I have been down this rode. But I didn't try to get him back. I just let it go and thought he would have back on his own which he never did. My best advice to you is try to get her back. Tell her you still love her. Tell her you miss you. Ask her if you two can just go out together and talk and have fun no strings attached. this may give her a chance to see how much you really care and time apart makes the heart grow founder so having the time away plus seeing you out may help. Sorry I couldn't be much more help. Good luck to you. Remmember don't give up until you know it is the right time.

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