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First date ideas?

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Arcades, you can play air hocky together, somewhere, where you can let loose, and just be silly with each other. Heck, I know I'm past the age, but still don't mind going to arcades!...OR do Go-Go cart riding! Anything that's fun and light-hearted! Afterwards, you can go out for dinner, at a nice restaurant, so that it changes the mood. I think a combo of both is great. Something fun, and then savor the 'seriousness,' for later!

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Hey! Thanks 1Adam12!


I know...I miss jumping in the skee-ball sacs, and stealing Chuck E. Cheese's tail! Hehe! Yeah, so, if you guys really bond well, then a trip to the arcade wouldn't be a bad thing.


Other ideas:

1. Dinner at a restaurant, along the beach. Very romantic, and sets the mood!

2. Other things that I enjoyed...Site seeing, driving along scenic routes.

3. Dancing, going to a louge-type restaurant, where you just sit, relax, talk in dim lighting, and then perhaps, dance afterwards.

4. Go to a scenic point. On the top of a mountain, where you get to see city lights.

5. Go somewhere, where you get to sit down, and talk to each other. Basically, a secluded area, which allows for you to talk face-to-face, like at a lifeguard tower, while you sit back, and allow yourselves to enjoy the sound of the crashing waves, and each other's company, all at the same time! It's cozy and relaxing!


Sorry, my advice might sound a little dry, or corny, but these are just some of the fun-first date memories that I can think of...

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