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I want to know when you break up with that person you love are you missing them because of the sexual pleasure or is it really missing that part of you that made you complete when he/she was with you?


I feel that way sometimes and feel guilty. I don't know why.


To my ex love and truly did even if things did not go as planned. I tried everything to bring you back instead I hurt you and myself in the process. For 5 months it was hell and it had to stop. Now I look back and realized that something better is out there waiting for me and you must and will remain in the past. I hope you are truly happy in your new found relationship and succeed in life in everything you do. Despite you using me and mistreating me out of anger or whatever I can and only forgive you. No bitterness remains.


I truly did not deserve the treatment you gave me. But truly I thank you for being there when I was going through my bout with cancer. I made mistakes and will live with them forever. But for now I must stop crying, obsessing, and waiting and finally get on with living. I must learn once again to love myself, be confident, mature, and independent. I have not really lost anything except you. You were right. Your lost anyway not mine.


I gained my life of being healthy again,(no more cancer and a survivor) and a new look on life, graduating from college, and getting a new job. Plus new found freedom!

How cool is that? You have made me stronger and happier too.


Thank you ex of mine. I love you and I am finally at peace. I am sorry for hurting you tremendously. God bless you on your journey.





the beautiful




A fool for love who has finally let go.......

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That was really nice Fantasia. Wow. You have been through alot. I can't imagine what its like to go through a bout of cancer. I'm really happy for you Fantasia. You have come a long ways from a month ago - you're doing ausome!. I wish you all the strength and happiness in the world - you totally deserve it. In the meantime, keep being your wonderful fantastic self the survivor you are.


Best wishes,



P.S: I think when we break up with our former love partners, we miss that part of us that is missing within ourselves I think - does that makes sense??

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