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Online Dating....weird to tell friends?!?


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I've been using an online dating website for several months now, but have only recently met the first girl with whom I think there's a possibility of it going somewhere beyond a couple dates (not sure yet....or even if I want it to be long term, but thats beside the point)!


Anyway, as I see more of this girl (potentially) there will be questions from my friends/roommate, etc. "where did you two meet?" My guy friends all know that I don't meet any women in my day to day life, that for a long time I've been lamenting the difficulty of meeting women (as they have) etc. None of them know I use an online site, and a couple have talked about how even though they dont meet any women they "would never meet women online" since "its sketchy" and means youre "socially awkward." While I dont agree with them, I know there is still a strong social stigma attached to this. I don't feel bad about meeting women online since I dont meet them at work, etc., but I'm not sure how to address it with friends/roommate since I know they look down on it.

I know I shouldn't care, but for some weird reason its something I dont want to talk about with them....anyone been in a situation like this?

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I would just be honest, it's easier that way than trying to maintain a lie about how you met. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"--in other words, just be confident about it and it will be much harder for them to make you feel bad. Lots of people are dating online now, it's a perfectly valid way to meet new people!

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My ex and I met online. Honestly, not many people asked how we met - and those who did didn't seem fazed by it. It's become such a prevalent way of dating that it's really not a big deal.


And I agree with bronte - it's silly to have to keep up a lie. A good friend of men just got married to a man she met through online dating. They came up with an elaborate story about how they met, and she only told a few close friends that they met online. She even told the fake story at their wedding, totally not acknowledging that it was a lie that they've kept up for years! It just seems silly to me.

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I don't think there is anything to be embarrassed of with meeting people online, especially when you are meeting great people that you can have a great relationship with. It is becoming such a popular way to meet people and honestly, I don't think it really phases people as much anymore.


And besides, if you end up getting serious with someone, your friends will find out either way. Better just to be honest with everyone up front.

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