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Meeting My boyfriends Ex Person He had Sex with 5 years ago


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Well i would like to start off telling you i have been with my boyfriend for 1 year, we was friends before we were a couple, actually i was married and we was really good friends, then i got divorced and we hooked up and live together. Well my friend died last tuesday and we had to go to her visitation, the following friday, we waited in line and seen one of my friends, well she hugged me and she had to other girls with her i didnt know, she waited outside until i had been in and out, well my guy friend was out there when we got outside, and they was like do you guys want to go have a drink and catch up, we was like yeah for one or two drink then we have to head back, before i go on i must tell you that me and my boyfriend are open with our past, we talk about everything, he has told me about the women he has had sex with, well back to my story now, we go to the bar to drink a few, set down, chit chat, well my boyfriend asks the girl accross from me a question and says her name after the question, i was like how would you know this girl, well apparently this girl worked at the place we all me at, that is where me and my boyfriend still work by the way, and i also noticed my boyfriend was acting all touchy feeling like normal, i am like that is strange, i also notice the girl is acting funny too, well we decide to head back home, on the way out i say is that the girl you had sex with you told me about, he is like yeah, i said you could of said hey remember that chick i told you about to the side or something, i felt kind of stupid talking to her and all joking, i dont know if this is stupid or not, but when we left we got in a little arugment , he is like we had sex 5 years ago, what is the big deal, your friends with one of my ex's that is best friends with his sister, i was like yeah so, i was warned before i met her, he said that he didnt think i was that insecure, i was like im not, Do you think that this is stupid for me to act this way, or am i being a jealous retard, or what, i just know if he would of been in my shoes and the tables was turned he would acted the same or worse, i guess mostly i just felt kind o stupid talking to her, when in the back of her head and my boyfriends, they was thinking we have had sex, PLEASE JUST SOMEONE TELL ME IF THIS IS NATURAL FEELING OF JEALOUSY OR IF IM JUST BEING SILLY.......THANKS SO MUCH

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Yes you are being silly. Everyone has a past. If he wanted to be with her rather than you, thats where he would be.

Im sure the last thing on her mind was the past. They both may have been a little embarrased to be seeing each other but he clearly demonstarted his togetherness with you by a physical display. This would have been clear to her.

Focus on what is good in your realtionship. Be happy with what you share together.

remember that he chose to move on. It didnt have a huge impact on his life. He is with you by choice. Be happy with that.

Jealousy is the most destructive force in any relationship so avoid it.

With love

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