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Bi Polar disorder


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BI Polar disorder, i was diagnosed only after an hour of being with a therapist. I was meeting with a new therapist and she is an expert in the field

...but she diagnosed me, and told me she definitely thinks im bipoar only after an hour of meeting with her.

So anyone have experience with this, I pretty skeptical right now

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Have had 2 bi polar girlfriends.


One of them took a pill every day and she was fine usually. The other took lexapro.


Hmm, I'm fairly skeptical myself. I think in some cases doctors over diagnose bipolar.


At the end of the day, you are you. You have always been you. Remember who you were the day before you got diagnosed? Well guess what, you're still that you!


Just because they are giving you a title doesn't change who you are. Don't let it get to you.


Bi Polar isn't a permanent state anyway. It can go away after a few months/years (You may have "had bipolar" for years.


You are still you and not defective in any way my friend

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Also, shuttlefish is correct.


Bi Polar people rock


I've had a doctor tell me I was bipolar. I just laughed and threw the pills he gave me in his trash can.


No kidding man, I think it's bogus most of the time.


I'm not manic depressive or angry. I get a temper sometimes... but who doesn't right? And My temper has gone down a lot lately (all by itself!!!)


P.s, peace out

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Well, I dated a guy who I think was bipolar, he had several people tell him he had it.. and everything I read about bipolar he presented.


It was so hard being with him and as much as I cared about him, and still do, ab bit, it was so incrediby draining.


He knew he had it, but was 'against medication' which I can understand.. but I was teh one who had to deal with things.


Sometime he would be talking to me, well angry, yelling.. and then two minutes later or not even... even eh next sentence...he would forget what he jsut said ( that I was annoying and hurt him greatly etc) then the next minute he had no idea what he just said 5 seconds ago.


I do believe there is treatment, he just chose not to use it.

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I was in the same boat as you. I was experiencing extremely high levels of stress and needed a professional to point me in the right direction. This dude sees me for an hour and all of a sudden I'm labeled as Bi-Polar. I specifically remember telling him "are you f'in kidding me????" I was in a total state of shock.


I got the stupid meds he told me to take and they made the situation way worse! I was more mad than ever and cried more over stupid crap. I definitely got the wrong diagnosis.


I agree - who doesn't get mad every once in a while? Then, depending on the situation, you feel remorse and crappy for how you reacted. That's just human nature.


I'm sure there are people out there that truly are Bi-Polar, but I am not one of them and if you think your doctor is full of crap, get a second opinion.

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I was reading something that said basically EVERYONE has some sort of depression, manic, bi-polar etc... just to differetn degrees.


Who knows though... there seems to be a label for everything these days.


That's right. Everyone gets depressed. Everyone gets anxiety. When you're diagnosed as having it clinically though, is when you have it to an extreme.


I mean, everyone washes their hands when they're dirty... but when you wash it 100x a day is when you're labeled OCD. Everyone has mood changes, but when it's uncontrollable and affects your life is when you're labeled bipolar... Everyone gets sad... but get sad enough to have it affect your work and your social life, is when you're clinically depressed. Etc...


Oh, and being bipolar, I have to say though that nope... Manic is something you definitely don't experience unless you're seriously bipolar. Believe me lol.

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Bi Polar isn't a permanent state anyway. It can go away after a few months/years (You may have "had bipolar" for years.


Sorry, but if you are truly bipolar, it never "goes away." You may have times when you're neither manic nor depressive, but that does not mean that it's "gone." True bipolar disorder can be living hell and if people start to believe they're "cured," it can be very dangerous.


That being said, the rest of what you said was pretty much right on....just because someone says you're X or Y does not change YOU.


However, I would also question a diagnosis by a therapist after only 1 hour. I would try to see a psychiatrist for verification of the diagnosis.

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I would see another therapist or a psychiatrist. Honestly, expert or not, I don't trust people who toss out labels after spending one hour with a person. There's always more to it than just that.


My therapist and psychiatrist are very good and don't even label me, they just help me deal with my symtpoms. I know what I have but , it wasn't like the end of a Mortal Kombat Fight



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Oh, and being bipolar, I have to say though that nope... Manic is something you definitely don't experience unless you're seriously bipolar. Believe me lol.


Second this. Mania is not something that everyone experiences. I used to hallucinate, sleep 4 hours a night, talk super fast, lose my train of thought, work on homework for 10 hours straight with no break, and just generally act weird. And I couldn't sit still. I was always shaking. When I was standing I would rock back and forth from one foot to the other really fast. And it was really frustrating because the people around me seemed to think it was funny, and that I was "quirky."




I don't think Bipolar goes completely away either. Sure, you might not experience symptoms for a few years if lucky, but there is a possibility that it'll rear it's ugly head again. I had a pretty normal year, but I'm afraid of being as sick as I was the year before.

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