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Something to be worked up about?


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Is this something to be worked up about?


So my boyfriend and I have been bickering every once in a while about dumb stuff. Latest one...he borrowed his sister's camera so we could take pictures for a collage he wanted me to help him out with. I took the SD card to my office to download the pictures for him. Didn't think much of it. Offered to drop it off on Monday. He said no biggie, since I was busy this week. He texts me yesterday, how he's upset that I took it without consulting him, communicating with him.


Yet, I asked him about doing something early this saturday...he tells me today, that he told his friend last week that he would come see his new baby. No extended invitation to me, even though I went to their baby shower and picked out the presents by myself. Where's the communication there?


He's become a little more cold too. Am I on my way out?


Also, last weekend...he told me he prefers that we should take turns paying for eachother when going out...though we have never spoken about forming a partnership, and I contribute a lot to the relationship

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Both right.

You simply need straight answers, as this is obv confusing and worrying you.


Although a argument may occur talking about it, it would be best if you did, tell him how you feel (not in an angery way) just explain what your feeling. Seems like hes ether angry like SDE said or hes just thinking about other things and letting the relationship slowly die. This may seem extreme but you will have to talk to him about it.


With relationships you cannot hide how you feel, its unfair on everyone, so you need to speak to him. He may seems like its petty but its affecting you.


dont let it get to the point where your angry and the relationship has no hope. cause we both know you dont want that.


Stay strong and take it easy.

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Thanks for your insight everyone! It was a typical case of He said/She said.


Well, apparently, we said, "we should go see the baby," a week ago...and he thought I was coming.


What's really been bugging him was him saying, "I want someone to make me a better man," to which I would reply with, "I can't do that." While he thought I was saying I wouldn't be there for him, I was saying that you can't force someone to want something they don't.


It's amazing how a miscommunication over semantics can send us in a frenzy.

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