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Guys: what do you think of short girls?


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I am 6'3 and love short girls and tall girls. If someone would take one or the other depends... I think dating a shorter girl is a power issue. Guys like to feel like they have physical power, and with a short girl they do not feel threatened. From personal experience, it is much easier to date a shorter girl because you feel more comfortable and less threatened. Well, that's my two cents.

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Now I have been with two girls who had an inch over me, one of exact height, and one smaller (I'm 5'4'') and the really short girl was 5'1''. My girlfriend is one of those who is an inch taller than me. But my issue is before I even had a girl, it was hard to even get attention because i was short. And when I did, I had several females say they would go with me if i wasn't so short, yet they were either of equal size or like an inch or two taller. HOW SHALLOW! I don't care how tall or short a girl is, I like them all. And I know alot of cool dudes out there who are short and don't get the respect they deserve. It's sad really......if you like someone, GO FOR IT! Backing down just because they short OR tall is really shallow in my opinion.

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I'm with you there man. Most of my girlfriends have been my height or shorter (I'm 5'5), but I honestly wouldn't mind dating a woman taller than myself. I've heard short women say that wouldn't date a man under 5'8 because they worry that other people may laugh at them and say that they are a midget couple. That really is a shallow way of thinking, and I wouldn't want to be with someone like that anyways.


Its true that shorter men sometimes don't get as much respect. You just have to work harder at it I guess. A man who is short can do anything that a tall man can do, and don't ever let ANYONE tell you otherwise!

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I'm 5' 3" and have always dated girls taller than me. I quite like to be dominated in that way!!


But it doesn't matter the height, its the attraction that counts in my books. Not dating someone you quite like because of height is cutting off your nose despite your face.


Short girls are cool by the way

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I really think it is a subcouncious thought. Also tall guys and short girls must have some pretty wild sex. (taller the bigger I suppose, or taller the more strength? so they can pick up a girl and its easy to have sex standing)


This is bull s**t- I'm only 5'7'' (and a half ) tall/small. Most of my friends are like 6''+ tall and they are alot weaker than me, they look like bean poles and i enjot intimidating them lol.


I would prefer to be small and stocky than tall and thin


It does suck though that the short girls like tall guys more....


personally i don't care how tall/small a girl is, if i like her.....i like her-and nothing will change that. 0X


oh- i lost my g/f cos i'm ''too short''.....shallow biatch

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I personally like shorter girls but i guess that is because i almost never even see a girl taller than me. (im 6"2)... i like the girls that are about 5"7' or so so that i dont have to bend down so far to kiss her but also i would date a girl that was 5" tall because the height doesnt really matter but if i did date someone that short i would sit down to kiss her or pick her up or somethin cuz that would really start to hurt the back after a while.

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Short women, tall women its all the same to me. Only thing i look at is what kind of person they are. I'm going out with a short girl right now. who is (4'5") and she is hott as hell so what really matters to me is whats inside.


Hope this helps.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a short girl (5'2') and I make it a rule of thumb to only date short guys in future. My last boyfriend was 5'5 which I thought was perfect in the looks department and it was a much better couple looking thing as well. The one before him was over 6' and I thought he was quite cocky and arrogant.


I know I'm generalizing but from my observations I've noticed that many taller guys are up themselves because they are aware of their physical dominance and try to make the most of it. Shorter guys tend to be more compassionate and sensitive.


I reckon tall guys like dating short girls so they feel powerful and in control. And girls go for tall guys cause they're insecure and need to feel protected. But I respect myself more than that, so I'd rather go out with someone closer to my own height. There's more equality in the interaction between the couple.

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I really didnt know some women turn down guys based on height. That sucks! I like women regardless of how tall they are, but I feel that a woman thats taller than me is a plus, (or it will atleast get my attention faster) I dont know why. Im about 5.7 and ive had no problem yet attracting tall women.(Im trying one right now, have to see where this will go) Short guys, I really think it has to do with our self confidence. I really think that if you have that and dont mind approaching then you can attract almost any girl you want, unless its somthing wrong with her.

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i dont really think height matters at all, it completely depends on the personality of the person, i used to go for girls shorter than me, but my current girlfriend is just a little taller than me, at first it was a little weird but now im used to it and couldnt have it any other way

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i say girls that are shorter than me are definitely better, i like the whole protective feel of being taller, makes u feel as if ure making them safe (sounds soppy i know but i love it) im about 6ft although i dunno the exact measurements cuz i havnt checked in a while but i know that i dnt find really tall girls very attractive, im not sure why

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