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Alright so I have been mending a broken heart. But I have to laugh at myself after reading some of these stories. 5 year relationship, 4 years, 3 years. Mine lasted 1 year. And to tell you the truth the girl I dated was biotch. She disrespected me over and over. Never cared about, told a whole gym, her whole family about our problems. I went to counseling with her what a waste of time. I was with her every day and I tried to make it good, but how can you when you have a person disrespect you over and over again. I am not perfect, but I now looking at the relationship different. The main problem was I was too good for her and I had way more things going for me. I will never settle again. She really pulled the wool over my eyes. I just wish I can have a chance to have her come back and tell her sorry but I have a wonderful girlfriend that respects me has a great personality and is way hotter. I was too loyal and I tried to make it work. In the end I was kicked over and over again left for dead. But that was a mistake because I'll be back even better then before.


Do I still think about her everyday, the one problem I have is thinking of her with another man. But I know time will get rid of that as well.

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Maybe we give too much time to the people who hurt us......why, because a relationship with someone that tried and it didn't work out...is just that,,,,,wasn't meant to be.....but a relationship with someone that hurt us and they didn't do their part always feels uncomplete.......there's a need for it to be fixed. But the truth, it's best to let go......now, of course I never can...you sound like you're in the right state of mind. Concentrate on a wonderful future!!

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