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EX and i are talking and hanging out again but she doesnt kn

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Me and my ex are talking again and its nice we have had sex and probaly will again but she had a boyfriend after we broke up i had a girlfriend we arent with either of them now and she has said on many occasions that she just doesnt feel it like that she says she loves him as a friend but thats really it and he is attractive phyiscally but that with me she still loves me is attractied to me physically and that we click just talking which she says doesnt happen with him and that there cultures are too diffrent. Now i know i love her and this is what im confused about is that she says she doesnt know for sure if she's supposed to be with me and that she is just not going to rush or over analyze which i think is good because that was part of our problem in the first place im writing this because i just want to see if anyone has an opinon if this is real because looking at her in her eyes and for once not getting a bad feeling from what she's saying is very hopeful for me so is hanging out and stuff a good idea the other guy lives in another state and they didnt talk for 3 days until she called him and got mad at him and said he didnt even pick up that she was mad and said yeah that ones getting old real quick what should i do? I love her.

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Do you have any clear idea about her intentions towards you? I mean, if she is still seeing this guy and/or talking about him, maybe you should consider just being friend with her for now... I mean without physical contact, and see if she really wants to be with you in an exclusive dating relationship, if this is what you want of course.

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yes its exactly what i want and last night we talked and i said look whats the deal here i said i cant pretend like i dont want to be with you so you need to let me know because this just doesnt feel right to me and she said well i just cant be with you the way i would want to right now and i was like fine and we went on talking and she said lets get together and talk about this face to face and i said what is it you cant say on the phone that you can say in person and she said well we really didnt get to talk about it when we saw eachother because we just kinda coming clean about alot of stuff and she was like wanting together on friday to talk but im seeing her tonight at my drummers show for his other band so i dont know if or whats going to happen but i know i love her can anyone give me any advice before i have to see her should i say somthing to her about it tonight or wait til friday and what do you think she's going to say i know she's not going to want to be with me

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