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Confused! - Surprise! - he got in touch with me again!


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Hi everyone!


I know I was like "I want to be friends with him - that's enough, don't need to be with him anymore" and so on..


Perhaps you know my last trhead:


where i posted his mail to me and my answer to him... where i asked him, if he'd like to call me, because i thought it was a real pity not to be in contact with him...


well.. when i got back from my 'evening with friends' i was happy and didn't think about my ex contacting me again.

i went online on icq ... and what shall i say? a few minutes later my ex got in contact with me per icq..


couldn't believe it first, as i really didn't expect that!

so i checked my mails and - yes, he had answered me:


i think it's a pity, too...

a real pity..


i still owe you some guitar strings by elixir... ^^


of course i'll get in touch with you


greets HIS NAME


then.. here are some extracts of the conversation that we had some hours ago:


he: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

i: hi

he: wazz up lil snuupi?


blah blah some funny talk like we haven't talked for 5 months!


he: well you know that... nobody else knows me as abnormal as you do.. NOBODY!!!

i: o.O i think i get scared now..



blah blah


i: longding (that's his name on icq) ... you could easily get this wrong...

he: as i said before.. you know me best


blah blah about guitars and singing and so on


i: how come that you're chatting with me?

he: the mail..

i: ahhh right... i remember.. dimly, but i remember ^^

he: i was glad to hear from you

he again: you wanna give me the feeling that you're only skimming everything that's gotta do with me and i'm totally unimportant, too, that's why you don't think about things like these and so on ???

i: nooo why should i do like this??

he: okay ^^ was already verging on tears

i: ohh.. poor you..

he: ..fartface (that's how we called each other for fun when we were together)


blah blah


i: and what else?

he: chica at the start (he wrote 'chica' different and i didn't get it at first..)

i: ??

he: you care about it??

i: what??

he: my new chica

i: ahh i got it wrong..

i: my 9 new guys aren't bad either

he: ??????????????? what???? 9? and where aren't they bad at?

i: that's your choice

he: seriously 9??

i: no.. 8

he: really?

i: yes

he: affairs?

i: i had to break so many hearts...

he: i just broke one (he meant MINE!!! )

i: and you're proud, aren't you?

he: not really..


More blah blah about that stuff.. but it isn't that interesting i think.. then something and he didn't answer...


i: am i uninteresting again or aren't you there anymore?

he: yes, i'm here ^^

i: but? you don't answer little snuupis anymore?? awww .__.

he: aww.. i'm going to sleep now.. sorry about the ^^ see ya byebye

i: o.O yeah.. bye..

he: (made a smiley with a heart in his hands) ^^

i: err.. yeah.. you too.. but not that your new chica is going to be jealous, because you're sending such smileys to other people... good night

he: it's just because i stole it from you.. but maybe you don't remember that either... see you =)

i: i do remember

he: bye

i: bye



that's it.. don't understand why he says he's got a new 'chica' (gosh i hate guys who call women chica.. he has never been such a man... that's why a friend of mine says my ex doesn't love his new girlfriend or is just making me jealous with no one.. ) and then asks if i care about that!? and.. well poor chica if she doesn't know him like i do although she has the possibilty to see him more often than i could see him..


what do you think about it???

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I think the guy is making serious contact but doesn't have the balls to say upfront what he exactly wants (a restart to your relationship). I am going to differ with everyone else here who says you should avoid contact with him and that he is looking for an ego boost. I am getting the feeling that this guy is really crazy about you Snuupi. The chat suggests that he is trying to gauge where you are at by seeing how worked up you get on hearing about the new girl. Since you handled the whole thing quite well, maybe he is now more confused than you are. To me it looks like he was trying to get you to react on him dating another girl. That would have told him you are still into him. This could either have served as an ego boost (something that most people here seem to think) or it could told him you still have feelings for him and are hence likely to consider getting back.


However, now that you didn't get worked up at all, my guess is he is confused about where you are with the relationship. He might approach again, seeking more clarity, this time a little more direct. No joking around and testing the waters by sending out disguised feelers. I feel this because the effort he made and the interest he showed by getting on ICQ to chat with you after replying to your mail seems to much work to get an ego shot.


Alternatively, this chat could also mean that he has moved on himself and is really in a place where he wants to indulge in casual banter and chitchat with him pulling your leg over the new babes in his life and the new guy in your life. You know...pure friends types.


See which possibility makes more sense in your situation. All the best with whatever you are hoping for.

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first: thanks for your answers



@ saffron + brownstone


nooo.. you got that wrong... when we were together we did always call each other 'fartface' of fun... and then i didn't post the rest of it... he added "...smelly" and this (smelly fartface) is a quotation of a film that we had watched together and that i had given to him ... and i put this quotation onto a cd which i gave him on christmas... and then he quoted another joke that is on this cd, too...


@ moonbug

i was glad to read your answer... because those are the two points of view that have been running through my head since yesterday... i don't know which is the right one... of course i hope he really wants to have me back.. but i think he would act a little different... on the other hand... he always asks me about a new guy in my life and then yesterday told me about his chica for the first time but asks if i care about it...then tells me that nobody knows him like i do.. and i know him best...

i really don't understand this guy!! and that's why i don't know what's best to do now... see what the future will bring, i'd say, but it feels right to keep in touch with him now and even to call with him... but i don't wanna hear stuff about him and his new girlfriend.. it seems very complicated...


but see what the future will bring is the only thing that will work, i think... and do what my gut instinct tells me to do...

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so... some minutes ago i had a look at his profile on one of those internet portals.. and yes now he is "in a relationship" and his new "chica" is noted all over his profile....


what the hell is this damn guy thinking!?


oh my gush and his profile is full of immature things... like "about me: a whole penis" and such... i don't want to think about him anymore.. he is like ... so immature and i evolved into a whole new person throughout the break up...


now... i agree with those, who thought he is playing games with me... or his profile is full of his new girlfriend, just for fun...


it's always the same! i seem to be so blind!

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