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my parents are gonna flip!

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Hi im Michelle.. im 16 and dating a guy thats 20, my parents dont know,

I dont really think my mom cares, But my dad will kill me! Im so scared to tell him! I dont know if its a real big gap, I really dont care, I have all these feelings for him and him with me, I think thats all that matters, but thats just me.. Im so scared.. what do i do! my mom and dad will argue over it I know that for sure, i dont want them to.

im so messed up.

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Please do not continue this relationship- to avoid sounding like my mother sounded when I was your age, just trust that the person you are at 16 is not the person you'll be at 20 (I'm 24 and I'm still learning this), and there is a significant difference between a 16 and a 20 year old. Some 16 y.o.'s can go to college, and some 20 y.o.'s act like their 12, but ultimately, you'll find more meaningful relationships with people who are in your age group. Do you know how difficult it is to hold a conversation with someone is their teens when you're in your twenties? Not to be disparaging, but applying to grad schools has no correlation to junior prom. The two of you are on different planes, and if it isn't apparant now, it will be soon. And depending on your states laws, it could be illegal. Enjoy your high school years, have fun at games and at lunch and at dances. There will be plenty of time to date 20 year olds- when you're 20.

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