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I posted this in the "was she flirting" thread, but given the fact that we are becoming friends, I figured I'd start a new one. Any advice would be great.


Ok. So this girl, well woman, and I chat now. It confuses me because she can be so reserved at times and then so warm other times.


The thing is we work for the same company although we don't work together. My sexuality is not known to everyone, especially at work. I don't broadcast my personal life there. I don't date coworkers, but now I'm fighting temptation. Yep, I'm starting to like her that much.


The more I know about her, the more I like. I do know she is fond of me, but I'm not sure if she's attracted to me. Well, I think she is but I've had my share of guys who misread my actions and I don't want to be like them. I don't know if she has a boyfriend or significant other because I don't like to come off as nosey. Her myspace says single and it doesn't allude to her sexual preference, but that doesn't mean anything. There's this guy at work that I see her with on her breaks. I wouldn't be surprised if he's her boyfriend, but I'm not sure.


I think I know what to do, but I would really like to hear what someone else has to say. Anyone?

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I think she really likes you, and you just need to ask her straight out whats going on, or if you can't do that send her a message/note. Seeing as though you like her, you need to know where you stand.


I've thought about that. It would be so much easier if she was some girl I met outside of work. I guess because we work together I would feel like such an idiot if her response was negative. Thanks.

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