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Ok Here is my story, I have been In a relationship with my g/f for awhile and things were getting serious, I had asked her to marry me, ( and she said yes) so we had started planning our wedding. About a month later we found out she was pregnant. Well I live in a very small apartment, so then we started trying to looking for a new place to live, but I have a bad credit and she doesnt have any so this was becoming a problem. so we started getting into little fights, and I would tell her if she wasnt happy with me she could get her stuff and move out, ( but I never really wanted her to go ) and she also told me not to tell her to get out, cause one day I will tell her to get out and she wont come back. so anyways she was getting mad about her mom making her get all of her stuff out of her house, When in two months we would have to move into something bigger, so we arguing over little stupid things. well three weeks ago we got into a fight and I called her a bad name and told her if she is that unhappy she could get out. well she did ( she left and went back to her moms ) I called her and she said she was done with me. then about a week later we went out and spent the day together and everything was fine, then the next day she calls me and said I am not the person she thought I was, then she would call me and say I m sorry I think I am going crazy. ( could it be her emotions due to her pregnancy ) well any ways the next week goes by I tried the flowers, the cards, little gifts etc. she said thanks, But I shouldnt do it, when I call her she wont answer, when I see her she'll say call me 7 I call and she dont answer. so this past sunday was the last time I had spoke to her, and she told me that she is through with me and doesnt want to be with me any more... So what should I do, we had plans of getting married, we have baby on the way, I really could use some good advise.

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What is it they women see in men?

Whether or not they can provide for their children.

And this is the same in the entire animal kingdom. It is instinct.

You have a lot against you. The stress of finding a place to live, moving, getting married and having a baby! Hell man, you would both need to get on some anti stress pills or something. Stress is a killer and there is no easy way out of it. I can't tell you how to get her back, but if you were able to find a way to make your situation more appealing then she might come back. I wish I could be more helpful, stress can make us do the most stupidest of things and in tends to come down to love or lack of it

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