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Ok....I am bi and I have a boyfriend. I really like this girl and I'm pretty sure she likes me, except she told me that nothing could ever happen, but it did happen. Here's the story....ok Friday night we were all hanging out and me and her got into a conversation...we were drunk so i really didnt care what I was saying...so I told her how I felt.... and basically i got turned down....well the next morning i couldn't stop thinking about her so I text messaged her and told her that I couldn't stop thining about her...she called me about 1/2 hour later and pretty much said because of the age difference...which I am 17 gonna be 18 next month and she is 28...ok i can understand what she means....but I took it really hard. That night at about 1 in the morning we were all just chillin' like the night before except everyone was trashed!!! Well at about 6am..we went to her room...and ya know...things happened.....and it was great!! The next day I called her and she wanted me to come over again that night. Now I know she thinks I'm hot but I'm pretty sure that shes gonna say something about the age thing again, and thats not all she told me she was kinda in love with another girl, but I'm not sure if she just said that or if its true, and the worst part is that I think I have major feelings for her because it hurt so bad when she told me nothing could ever be anything with us but friends, but I can't tell her how i feel cause i think she might freak...so whats up? What should I do!


If i could get some bi girls to give me some advice that would be great!

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yeh skye's right, you should be more honest with her, at least better say it now than never right? and dont be afraid of rejection, if she really thinks nothing will ever happen, then accept that, maybe what she said that shes in love with another girl, would be the reason why she cant have a relationship with you, unless u ask her again.. it wouldnt hurt to try? but dont be too pushy.. if she says no, then accept it.


u think guys get more rejection? i think we all face that, yes it may hurt, but its not the end of the world, if its not meant to be, then move on and find someone else.

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Yeah....I told her that I really wanted a realationship with her but latley things between us have been really weird....like we argue about stuff when we're just hangin' with our friends....i don't know....she says that she really isn't going to have anything to do with me, AGAIN, but the way she acts is like she wants to do stuff again....well now this other girl that I'm "TALKING" to....well shes great, but i think this girl likes my girl and I just wont know what to do if that happens...thank you for helping me!

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idk what to say, all i could think of is confrontation, u really need to confront her.. whats going on, and where you stand..

i mean as for the girl you're currently 'talking' to, ask her that too if she wants to be with you or not, bec.

im sure u dont wanna get stepped on all over again and repeat the history (rejection) by itself..


now back to the girl who treats you like sh!t, dont let her treat u that, what did she say when you told her ur feelings, or did u? if she felt like whatevers, then u really need to get outta there, bec. the more u stay the more you get hurt.. find someone else and move on.


btw, does ur bf knows about this? if not, dont be selfish, u need to be more honest with yourself and with him too.. get out of the relationship before u start with another, cuz that'll stack up all ur problems.. in case if ure not with your bf, then ignore this paragraph ^__^;;

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