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do i have a chance or did i ruin it

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hey i broke up with my g/f 4 weeks ago and i still call her the odd time im tryin the no contact rule and it so hard. she doesnt mind when i call and stuff and she doesnt get mad and everything. she says she doesnt miss me im just scared if i do the no contact thing she like it and not want anything to do with me anymore. and i miss her so much. she said she likes being single. do i have a chance or what?

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i am in the same situation as you, i was with g/f for abt 2years and she sed she wanted to b single, and doesnt miss me. after abt a month of contacting her and being upset i did no contact for abt 3 weeks (rang her once but that went ok- no emotion just makin her laf) and she has just rang me, and we are goin to meet up as friends. I really think that no conctact is the best thing you can do- for your own sake, it gives you time to put your life back together, and you think abt her less. In my case i am now enjoying being single and just seekin a friendship from ex, which is now possible because i no longer want her (or not nearly as much n e way)


If you were together, and had a strong and close relationship, then there is no way that a few months apart will make her forget you. Just think that any lad that she will meet- she will always compare him to you, and if your relationship was good, then he will struggle to match you, because she likley had strong feelings for you, and will remember the good times better than the bad, just like you prob do at the moment.


Try no contact it really helps, especially to sort out your own head, it may end up that you realise that you no longer want her, or at least want her less making it easier, or - mean that she will miss you, then the balls in your court.


P.s Really good luck. if you wana talk feel free to PM me!

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