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Stop me if you have ever heard of this one but:

This man and woman living together decide to buy a computer. He wants to show her how smart he is and turns it on and installs windows on it. The computer asks for a password, so feeling kinda frisky he decides to type: p-e-n-i-s with a slight grin on his face. Well, when his girl looks over his shoulder and notices what he had typed she starts laughing hysterically when the computer responds: "ERROR: Password not long enough" 8)

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Maybe that isn't the best joke in the world but if it made you smile then I achieved my goal. People on this forum are expectedly down and I find the best posts are the ones that are inspiring or revengeful or even just humorous. I realize the negativity is there and me and everybody else get the same ride on this rollercoaster but, jeez, you should learn to read a joke a day and remember you can laugh. What is life without some heartache and laughter. Everybody laughs and everybody hurts...cannot escape it. So, everyday you feel gloomy go rent a comedy or read a really good joke and remember the "yin" for the "yang" in life. Much love to my peeps HOLLA!

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Oh yes, I was feeling gloomy, but then I spoke to an Australian friend of mine, and you know Australian's!!! He told me to sort my f&cking self out, and made me laugh.


Thanks friend.


G xx


P.S. Thanks to you too Twizod


Bloody Australians...making women laugh...the nerve of them...they should all be arrested and sent to some far off island.

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Oh, I see ziggystar ... is that why you are walking like a cowboy!?!?!?


Am guessing that I should go back to my previous thread, entitled Breaking all the Rules, because I seem to be back in that mode at the moment. Called the ex last night, when I was very down. Went to VM, and I said hello, had a crappy day, call me.


So this morning he did. And he said you ok, you were sounding down. Said oh ya, just work stuff, but have had my moment of high drama and am fine now. We talked a lot about this and that, usual work kids life stuff. No relationship at all. And the I said oh yes, keep meaning to ask you where that place is where I can get my car fixed (he had recommended a place), and them he proceeded to give me the location. And I then said, f(*k that, why don't you just take me, and he laughed and said, oh yes, I can do that, and then we'll have lunch. It will not be for a while yet, because we both have commitments ... but, baby steps in the right direction.


Convo was good, light, friendly. I shall now capitalise on this and up the contact. Unless any of you guys tell me that that really is not the way to go?


Any in-depth analysis would be greatly appreciated.


G xx


Oh, on a side-note. The Australian buddy who served as a perfect diversion last night in taking me out of my terribly dull self-induced state of crashness, does not live in Australia!!! Yippee!!! And he is cute and funny, I only really noticed just HOW cute and HOW funny last night! Now, a guy like THAT could surely take a girl's mind off the ex!!! He has no idea! Life surely is a non-stop roller-coaster at the moment!

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You being so receptive to your ex is nice for the present because you get your fix. Unfortunately, after a couple or more days you start to crash again. I think what you are doing is your style and suits you the best. Eventually the drug will wear off and you won't have to have so many ups and downs and will enjoy no emotional ups and downs when you talk to him. Won't that be nice? In the meantime, I can only relate with you b/c my ex and I do the same thing but she usually txt messages and sometimes calls. I try to be there for her and keep the lines of communication open but the only difference is that mentally I do not want to go back. This does not stop the emotions from dragging some days. As for the Australian.....again, you and I seem to take the same path b/c I have a cute blonde I am talking to and it really helps ease the pangs now and then. It never fulfills 100% but it is a kind of sedative in the meantime. Good luck.

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Oh, and another thing ... it was noon when the ex called and I said that I was still in bed. Alone? He asked. Mumbled that I would check, but I think I would have NOTICED if someone else were there! Men, truly are a law unto themselves!!


G xx

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okay, i just came back from a wedding of a friend. he had met his fiancee (now wife) the same way i met my ex, online dating. i should be happy. and i am for him. i wish i were happier. i feel like crap...first i feel as if something like that will never happen to me and second, why do i have to be so selfish and why can't i be more joyous over his celebration. this sucks. and on top of it, he's going to be a father too. he announced that right after the ceremony. these are the things i want and i feel as if i'll never get them. YES, i'm a guy, we get these feelings too.

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thanks geecee,


i feeling better today, but i just wish i could tap into the positive thoughts. i did last night with a friend that has an uplifting demeanor. feeling sorry for myself doesn't help me. i generally don't do that (feeling sorry for myself) as much as say a few years ago, but it all sort of hit me during the wedding.


here's my friend's story. it's rather miraculous. he met his wife online. after dating 6 months they moved in together. after 6 months of living together, they got engaged. after being engaged 6 months, they were married. at the wedding she was 12 weeks pregnant, so 6 months from now, they'll be parents.


it rather inspiring. i'm sure my friend didn't see this coming a year and a half ago. so who knows what's around the corner for all of us.

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Anything can happen and keep believing it will. I have sooo much hope for the future b/c I know I am worth it and I am intelligent enough to choose quality women. Everybody takes gambles and sometimes you fold and sometimes you flat out lose. But remember, it only takes one time to find that special person. Just look at the big picture and tell yourself you are smart enough and quality enough to let somebody into your beautiful life. Have faith.

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here's the thing about my friend. he was the more commitment phobic of the two. he still had those fears before he met his wife. he ran from one relationship to another. ultimately, he didn't conquer those fears, he went ahead in spite of his fear. and that act of courage, is the thing that conquers some of the fear. it's like jumping out of a plane. you can't work up to it, you just do it.


so there is hope for the exes and it can happen overnight, but unfortunately, it might not be with us. but that's okay.

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Gee, the Australian sounds like a great way to progress your emotions, I am glad you temporarily have someone else on your mind. Sorry, I was unable to get on here even once this weekend, was NEVER alone. Gee, you are going to laugh so hard when you read my update, if I can even remember everything.


Again, I am glad you have a diversion. And upping the contact after that positive talk sounds right, hows it feel?

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Hey Everybody,

Seems like I missed a bunch...I'll catch up later..


Here's what happened to me this weekend...

I get to her town thursday night and go out for a couple beers...she calls me from here work (a pub) and asks where i was and then she told me to go over there...So I do and I get over there and she gives me a huge hug...nice!

So her friends are there...and there all saying stuff about how good I'm looking and all this...(she said many times how cute I was looking)

One of her friends had just gotten dumped so i hung out with her and tried to make her feel better...It was a good night.

Friday I went to her bar with some buddies...no big hug this time, but a little chit chat and I joined my friends...

Saturday was the big party I went up for...she had to work until noon and had other stuff that she needed to be sober for (it's an all day drinking party) She called a couple times asking me what was going on...and I think I basically said I understand you got stuff going on so if you want stop by and if not I understand....Well she came over around 5 or 6 and i was way to drunk...But I didn't say anything stupid I was having fun and I think she saw that...she took us over to a buddies place and we talked a little (unfortunately a buddy's girlfriend told her not to lead me on, so I started trying to explain how I understood where we were at and even though the feelings are still there I'm okay with everything, she cut me off and said we can talk when your sober, so apparently it didn't come out the way I thought it was...) then she went on to her things she had going on.

Then after a long nap, me and my boys went out to the bar...some how I managed to get on of the uni. sports teams pissed (I don't think I did anything) and had to spend half the night standing up for myself/trying not to get into a fight...eventually it all settled down after my ex's roomate (who dates one of the guys on the team) saw it all going down and told her boyfriend who came over and told his boys to grow up...

It was good to see her, but at the sametime today is a horrible day...I called her last night to let her know I got home safe but she didn't answer and hasn't called back (now I'm wondering if I said something I didn't mean to on saturday, again I was way too drunk)

And today would have been our one year anniversary, which shouldn't bother me, but it's all I've been thinking about.

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No...I am thinking, too much, what if she's lost any of those feelings she did have for me...

What if it wasn't necessarily the long distance that ruined things...

What if I get back there in three months and nothing happens with us...

I know she's been really busy lately, i'm wondering what will happen when she doesn't have school to keep her busy (one of the things that has kept us from talking a lot, and one of the things she complained about, that we just wouldn't have enough time to make it worth it...)

I'm wondering what she feels...I want to know she still cares...I want to know the future (obviously I cannot)

At the club saturday night I was dancing with all kinds of different girls, I was flirting and having fun and if I had wanted I could have gone home with one of them (she asked me too) I didn't want a one night stand...

And I realized even with all the fun I had with those girls, none of the came even close to comparing with my ex...and it scares me....what if I never find someone that compares to her...when do I settle and how do I live without her...I'm worried that my feelings and the love I have for her will never leave me...


I always guarded my heart, I was always happier alone that with someone...until I met her and now I hate being alone...The one time in my life I finally found someone good enough to let in (and the realized how good she is) it ended up hurting me...it's why I always guarded myself and now I wonder how can I get myself to let someone back in?

Why did this have to happen to me...it wasn't supposed to...maybe I just want my life to be like a good movie...

Why can't she see that me and her could never be wrong together...

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