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Trusting my boyfriend after our short break up

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My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 11 months (will be the middle of July). I have been very happy with him and thought okay maybe this relationship will work out since my last two didn't. We went to live with his dad and step mom back in April and I thought that everything would be great. Well then his step mom expected that I get on state assistance. Okay whatever fine so I went up and did that after being there for a week. Well then a couple days later she insisted upon that I give her all of my assistance. Well I didnt think that was fair when I have two daughters and neither of their fathers help support them. So things started getting iffy between my boyfriends step mom and I so i had been visiting my mom alot. Well his step mom was having a fit because I wasnt giving her my assistance so she called and * * * * * ed at me about it and said if I didnt get back there that I had to move out. So May 31 at 9 am I decided I was going to go over to my boyfriends dads house and start staying there again... Well when I got there his dad and step mom were acting very rude towards me and I thought that was unacceptable so I decided to pack all my stuff up and move out. My boyfriend and I ended up fighting because he wouldn't say anything to his step mom when she was talking * * * * about me to his face and it made me very angry. I ended up breaking up with him that day and then regretted it like an hour after I did and I tried calling him and calling him and he wouldn't answer. We ended up back together June 3rd and he was staying over at my place and I wanted to see what he had been up to so I looked into his cell phone. I had found out that his step mom was trying to hook him up with some girl that used to live with them. This made me way pissed off and I confronted him about it. He got pissed off and said I need to start trusting him and what not. He tried telling me that he was just pissed off at me so he told this girl he had feelings for her. I know we werent together when he told that girl that but still how can a guy go and do something like that?? Especially not even twenty four hours after getting thrown off by your girlfriend that is two months pregnant with your child. After we hooked back up june 3 he wasnt the guy i met ten months ago. He was very selfish, rude, and so many more things and I felt like * * * * everyday for being treated the way I was so I told him he needed to change. He said okay honey I will just give me up to two weeks and I said fine. He didnt change and didnt change so I did what one of my friends did to her boyfriend and told him that he makes me feel like * * * * and I rather be a lesbian then have a boyfriend (which REALLY I would never do that). I can't seem to trust him AT ALL since the May 31st fight... I dont know what to do to change it. I don't see him much but two to four hours early in the morning and if im lucky a few hours in the afternoon since he works. Hes always with his family and never seems to have a whole lot of time for me. His family always wants him to work for them EVERYDAY and i know hes not lying about that part because I have heard them tell him to do their work and be their * * * * * basically. My boyfriend works ALOT of hours at his job and I dont think he needs more work to top it off. But anyways back to the trusting situation I'd LOVE to be able to trust him again. But how?? My one relationship I had I was cheated on so it takes A LONG time for me to gain trust for a significant other. I just want our relationship to be back to normal so when I give birth to his baby in January we came be a happy family with my other two daughters. Can someone help me out please???

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yes i had my two children with me. I had no choice but to go live over there because I was staying with my mom at the time at her boyfriends and he kicked me out. Now im back at my moms boyfriends house and he doesn't want me here. Since the economy is so bad I cant find a job and my boyfriend has so many bills to pay he doesnt make enough for us to get a place without me having a job.

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