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please give me some advice.. i'm lost

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I have been dating this guy for about 4 months now (he's 32 i'm 25). I've met his family, most of his friends.. this week he even brought his family over to meet mine. Things are good overall.. he calls me everyday, we see each other often during the week(1 - 2 times a week) and i've been staying over at his place every weekend. he's smart, has lots of friends, he takes care of me..


Really, i can't find any complaints about this guy.. nothing makes me really annoyed- it is starting to make me worry - am i being silly? I mean, in past relationships i've always found little things that bother me. now it's going so well I feel that now i'm waiting for something to blow up- it's TOO good.


anyway, yesterday i said i wanted to see him on friday, and he was reluctant and said "let's take a friday off" i wasn't happy about it, and he said that we would still see each other on sat/sun but if i was gonna sulk, he said to go over because it doesn't bother him that i'm there.


i shouldn't have been so upset.. he seems really committed don't u think? what am i so afraid of?

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i wouldn't worry too much. perhaps he just needed a little space. i mean you see him every weekend. maybe he just wants alone time. i wouldn't worry yet. i sometimes feel like i want to be alone and so does my boyfriend- not that we don't care about each other. also, sometimes you get into a habit of hanging out the same days talking on the phone the same times, length of time, etc...it becomes secure and schedualized. I know, once when my boyfriend didn't call me when i expected or wanted a day off, i was nervous because I thought he was pulling away or losing interest. all kinds of thoughts ran through my head.


i would give him the space and unless he does it consecutively, let him know that you understand his need for space. if it really bothers you, then you have to talk to him about it- but bring it up in a way that is not threatening or sounding too posessive. that could scare him. honesty and communication are too impt.


Well, good luck.

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Maybe he's seen you alot and just wants a night out with the boys? I wouldn't worry about it.


As for the "it doesnt bother him that you're there", I'm quite certain that isn't what he meant it to come out as (I know how it sounds), maybe he's just not a great communicator?


My $0.02

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