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FwB got her nipple pierced


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Hey guys. My FwB has a tongue ring and she knows very well that I hate nipple piercings. Well today she went out and got one ... after we talked for about 10 minutes when she was getting it on impulse. She didnt know what she really wanted and I told her to chill out and relax thre is no rush. But behind my back she did it and called me. I feel devastated and I don't really have feelings for her anymore. She knows I hate nipple piercings and I just dont want to see it. What do I do???

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If she's your FwB, why do you care? Are you guys just having sex or is it more the case where you're into her, but she's not into you?


Either way, if you're not in a relationship, then you don't really have a say in what she does.


Pretty much exactly what I was gonna say...

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I agree with the other posters...she is not your girlfriend so she doesn't have to consider your feelings on the matter. The only thing you can do is tell her that when you have your sex dates you would rather that she not wear the nipple ring. She can then choose whether or not she wants to comply and whether or not she wants to continue the FWB. Likewise, you have the choice of whether or not to continue the FWB.

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She doesnt really owe you any explaination, and you have no right to decide what she does.


You can voice your opinion as in, I dont like them, and I wouldnt sleep with a girl who had one... but as you arent in a relationship thats really as far as your dissent goes.

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