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Sorry! Another post, please help

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I apologize fellow ENA members for posting again, but I'm really struggling with something that is different from my other recent post. It's not really a new development, but it certainly is developing a lot more lately.


I'm finding that I'm quite angry with myself. I keep proclaiming things like "you're such an idiot!" or "how did you ever fall in love with someone like that?" I feel a deep regret, like I should have taken certain small red flags much more seriously in the beginning when I had the chance, when things could have been easier to cut off. I feel like I've been jipped, fooled, that I let myself get conned, but instead of blaming him, I blame myself. Then I think about how long it went on and I get even more upset.


Anyone ever get like this? How do I accept it and let go? I find it very difficult, mostly because I'm just so frustrated that I wasn't strong enough to walk away in the beginning when I saw that he was a potentially toxic person. :sad:

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I feel a deep regret, like I should have taken certain small red flags much more seriously in the beginning when I had the chance, when things could have been easier to cut off. I feel like I've been jipped, fooled, that I let myself get conned, but instead of blaming him, I blame myself. Then I think about how long it went on and I get even more upset.


Sometimes supposed little red flags amount to nothing- that's why most of us ignore or rationalize them away. We all do it, men and women, and it doesn't mean we're stupid people. None of us are mind readers- if someone wants to make you believe a lie, chances are that you're going to fall for it.

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Hindsight is 20/20. I can kind of relate in a different way. Where I work, people sometimes pass out. Today, one of my people did. I felt so bad; she's an 80 year old woman & I felt a little guilty for not catching any warning signs. But I just let her go like everyone else, and next thing I knew she was completely unconscious and had to stay an extra 2 hours lying on a recovery chair on the floor. She did not look like she felt good, and I felt really bad for her. And a little responsible for not seeing it ahead of time.


But I really couldn't have known that was going to happen. If I knew then what I know now, I would have done some things differently. But that isn't possible. And I'd like to say I would catch it next time, but the odds are I won't. You just can't know what is going to happen, so stop being so hard on yourself.

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Hindsight is 20/20.


This. And forgive yourself. You learned something by looking back, no? It wasn't a waste if you can remember those red flags and spot them if they're present when the next person comes around, right?


I think it's ok to beat yourself up over the oversights, but don't be TOO hard on yourself.

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I've been told that I give people too much benefit of the doubt when it's clear I shouldn't. However, like iLiveWithMyMom said, sometimes those red flags do amount to nothing and that is usually my reasoning. Why close someone off when they could be a positive part of your life?


It's my nature, I truly believe the best in people until it gets painfully, obviously bad I guess. I kind of like it that way even though it hurts me...but the important thing is that you're right, I can't always predict what will happen, but I can learn afterwards to just be a little more cautious at the very least. C'est la vie...

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