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Not exactly a pet, but...


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Silly as this sounds, I've taken a liking to the random birds that nest in the birdhouses my mom has set up in our backyard (despite what it sounds like, we actually live in a semi-busy little suburb). I'm kind of a softee for animals in general, though. Anyway, all the little sparrows nest in the birdhouses, raising their little baby birds; we even seen to regularly get robins that, every year, without fail, make a nest on one of our bushes.


The problem? Recently, in the last few years, crows have been "invading", and I can't believe how awful they are! Last year, one literally went to one of the birdhouses and pulled a baby sparrow out and slaughtered it, while the parent sparrows fluttered around, chirping helplessly, then the crow just seemed to fly away. And right now, as I'm writing this, the crows are attacking the robin's nest. I can't believe they do this kind of thing, and for no good reason that I can see! Are crows just the douche bags of the bird kingdom, or what? Ugh. I wish there was a way to get rid of them without scaring off the other birds.

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Aw that's so sad! Today I tried to save a baby bird that flew into the wall of the outside of the house and fell behind a big tool box. I tried moving the toolbox, but I think that hurt it more. I was able to get to it and I was examining it to see if it was ok, and it jumped out of my hands and fell on the ground. The 2 dogs back there with me ended up grabbing it and breaking its neck. It died in my hands


I've been sad ever since.


Don't have any advice, but just want to say I feel your pain!

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Aw that's so sad! Today I tried to save a baby bird that flew into the wall of the outside of the house and fell behind a big tool box. I tried moving the toolbox, but I think that hurt it more. I was able to get to it and I was examining it to see if it was ok, and it jumped out of my hands and fell on the ground. The 2 dogs back there with me ended up grabbing it and breaking its neck. It died in my hands


I've been sad ever since.



Don't have any advice, but just want to say I feel your pain!


That is very sad. Honestly, it might have been the best thing that the dogs finished off the bird quickly...I think if that bird was really injured from smacking into the wall and falling it is probably better in a long-term humane way, that he/she is now dead.


Several years ago there was a dead bird lying at the side of the road and another bird just crying and wailing by the body. It was heartbreaking.

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Just like lions who hunt those cute gazelles.


I guess... Although, an example like that is more for survival. These crows, though, they seem to attack the other birds just because they feel like it. They seem more mean-spirited, than anything else.

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It looked like the bird would've lived had I not dropped it. It was able to flutter its wings but not take off. The legs looked fine too. I think it was just in a daze. It made me sad. I've never had anything die in my hands before.


I'm sorry to hear about the crows. Such bullies

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There might be some things you can do to prevent the crows from coming by.


Maybe you should call up a nature preserve and ask.


If you have a pellet gun, maybe shoot the crows (one of my co-workers from my old job used a pellet gun to shoot squirrels and crows because they were getting into his garden and destroying his veggie patch)

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There might be some things you can do to prevent the crows from coming by.


Maybe you should call up a nature preserve and ask.


If you have a pellet gun, maybe shoot the crows (one of my co-workers from my old job used a pellet gun to shoot squirrels and crows because they were getting into his garden and destroying his veggie patch)


I think that could lead to being charged with cruelty to animals. Squirrels and crows may be an annoyance but it is not fair to injure them and cause them physical suffering shooting pellets at them.

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CAD, sorry about that. Maybe he can shoot towards them so as to scare them away, NOT kill them. Although my co-worker had a wicked aim and he used to tell me about how he could kill crows and squirrels from x # of feet. He was also an avid hunter.


Yeah, I have heard stories from people I knew who did the pellet gun thing but hit the animals and I just thought it was so cruel.

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