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Not complete without you both


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I’m not complete without you both

Yet that could never be

I love you both so much

But do either of you really want me?


I tie myself in knots,

Hating the way I’m forced to feel

I often I dream it’s not happening

Wake up and pray it’s not real


In many ways you’re so different

In some ways you’re the same

All I want is to be loved

Not to play this sickening game


I thought life would be simple

When you gave me that gold band

Then he walked back in my life

Setting questions to everything we had planned


Now the plans that we had carved

Seems so insecure

Do I want you one or both?

I can’t decide anymore


If on my own I’m not complete

And with you both I can’t be

Maybe I should walk away

Learn to set myself free


Nothing that I’ve ever said,

Was a lie to you

I didn’t know this was coming

That I’d feel the way I do


They say you can only love one man

How I wish that to be true

I love you both so completely

My heart is sworn to you


To have my cake and eat it,

That’s a thing I’d never do

I’m not that type of person

I wouldn’t do that to either of you


So here and now the question lies

To go or should I stay

Will a weight be lifted?

Or will I regret it everyday?





It's a work in progress, i particularly don't like the highlighted line,

let me know what you think,


Sugar xxx

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  • 3 weeks later...

SugarRush, I actually loved the highlighted line, it stands out, bringing out the importance of another man... I also hear your feelings, because my heart is also committed to two people and it is very hard and in times so exhausting that the only thing I am dreaming about is a refuge, where I can hide from myself. But refuge does not exist and life goes on. Do two men know about each other?

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