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I just dont get it!

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The drama continues. SO here si the deal, date a guy for 2 years, loved him to death. He broke up with me becasue he say's he cant handle a relationship right now. Ok, so a month has passed I call him to get my stuff back from his house things like cloths and stuff I had stored in his attic. He gets very mad at me for calling him. I told him that I was going to give him things back that are special to him like a baseball and a glove (played with in the majors) and he asked me why it had to be like this? I dont understand he tells me to date other people and then I try to end things with a clean break so I dont have to call him anymore and he gets upset? If anyone can enlighten me, please do. I feel that I am going no where fast. Yes, I love him and want him back but not until he gets his issues worked out. PLEASE HELP!

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Sounds to me that he either A) Wants you back or B) is one of the type of people that say they want their space, they want you to date other people, yada yada, but really don't want you to date other people and really want you to wait around until they get threw playing so they pick you back up. If the answer is B) I would just forget the whole thing because that will only make you have resentment against him, a lot of trust issues and it will never work out. If it is A) maybe you two could work things out, and live happily ever after. Why don't you just ask him what is the deal, and tell him that you thought this is what he wanted. Hope I helped. Good Luck and keep us updated.

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It sounds like he wants the best of both worlds: He wants to be with you but he doesn't want to be tied down.

Now this is fine and dandy if you're lets say 18 years old and looking for a fling, and if this is still the case for you, then go ahead and tell him you're willing to see him without commitment.

Judging by the manner in which you wrote your post I'm going to assume that the above statement isn't true. In this case, I think that you should tell him flat out that he's the one who broke it off and you're not going to wait around forever, if the two of you are really over it's perfectly normal to return items. Explain to him that although you still have feelings for him, you're not going to put your life on hold. If he, however, regrets his decision and wants you back, you should probably think long and hard about it before making your decision. Afterall, this guy has hurt you quite a bit, what's to say he won't do it again? Then again, second chances can bring upon good things..

This is a tough one, so just try to deal with it the best you can.

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I dont know what the next step should be. He will not return my phone calls and I left messages letting him know that I wanted to exchange stuff. He knows I want him back but I heard a song that was truly inspirational called "Dont want you back" I think that the sooner I can clean break this and start the "NO COntact" rule the better off I will be. What should I do at this point to collect my things. He has to realize he cant have his cake and eat it to. I want this to become a reality, so maybe he will see what he is missing. "Lets Hope"

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