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HELP!! I love her and want to get her back

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I need help, hopefully the best help because i dont know if I could get her back at all. here is my story please I need some advice and help on what to do.

My girlfriend broke up with me three weeks ago because I was getting jealous because she has a lot of boy friends(not boyfriends). She always told me to stop getting jealous or she'll leave me. I tried and tried to conquer my jealousy and i couldnt. And about a year after we got together, she dumped me. She couldnt take it any more and I know what i did wrong and since this has happened i know i can change my ways and not get jealous anymore. I asked her if we would ever get back together and she told me to show her that i am not getting jealous anymore and she would get back with me. We used to hang out together all the time and since then she has been around her friends all the time. But for these past 3 weeks I have been a wreck and a wimp. Everytime i get around her I start to get upset and cry because i want her back so much. I love her to death and even told her for a week that i was on the verge of commiting suicide because i am stupid and thought she meant taht she wouldnt want to get back with me ever. then she tells me that she likes one of her friends now, not that much though but just alittle bit but they hang out a lot well all of them do, but the guy she likes is always there. I have calmed down but now I dont know what to do. She tells me to move on and get over her and also said that she is going to move on and get over me and i dont want that to happen. I love her and I am trying to do everything to get her back but it doesnt seem to work. I see her every day in school and try to talk like we used to as friends but it doesnt work. Reading your article gave me hope and as soon as i read it I called her but she is out with her friends. I need advice, from anybody please help me. I am miserable right now.

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Sounds like your having a pretty hard time, heres my two cents:


For one, I wouldn't go telling her your thinking of suicide, thats just not right. If you have a jealousy problem, you probably want to deal with that first before trying to get her back. I have found in my own personal experience that if you give your ex a little breathing space, no matter how much it hurts to do it, it will give her time to think and maybe she'll come around. If you harass her too much, call her all the time and ESPECIALLY, if you cry all the time when your around her, she probably wont want to see you. Toughen up a little and give her some space.


I hope that helps, and best of luck with your ex.

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thanks for the advice, i dont think about doing that anymore. I was stupid to tell her that but i felt like crap about the whole situation but i know it was wrong. She even said that it made her feel bad and it also helped separate herself from me. But I called her today and she is going to call me back later tonight. Just to talk about stuff, im not going to sound all sad and stuff when were on the phone or when im around her anymore. Hopefully things will work out for the best. More advice would be helpful if anyone could help out thanks a lot.

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Keep your head up brotha..If you ever do feel like its too much to handle make sure you have a close friend to talk to about your feelings...



Everyone out there has been in your shoes....I would personally tell her that since you too were so close that you wish to remain good friends...Maybe that leads to a movie or hanging out and she remembers why she liked you so much in the first place!!!!!


Otherwise try playing the jealousy card yourself...Go out on a date and see how it sits with her.....Just be careful not to hurt anyone in the process...It cant hurt to look like the cool guy...If you do go out on a date and she is not bothered or does not ask you questions about it then she is probably not emotionally attached to you anymore....If that is the case remember there are alot of beautiful women out there just as frustrated as us dudes..


All the best,I look forward to an update...

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hey im in the same boat as u buddy. i even said the whole killin my self thing and everything. i did all kinds of stuff like that i even showed up at her door with flowers. just do the no contact thing. i did for a lil bit only 2 days probably like i didnt hang out with her and stuff for the whole 3 weeks we been brokin up but ive done the whole no contact thing on and off. i talked to her today and she said she call me later to tonight. so i dont know if that a good sign and stuff. like what do i do next. if she starts talken about us gettin back and if i miss her and stuff do i say right away that i want her back or do i kinda just "feed the bird".


buddy pretend u dont care. do the no contact thing. and theres a got lil post called Gettin Ur Ex back"feeding the bird" look for it, it good advice

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Hey guys thanks for your advice and help but I still need some more..

I called her last night and we talked for alittle while it was a good talk and all that so i was happy. I went to school and we went on a field trip for this college fair thing. Well you remember the friend she had that she was likeing alittle bit well they walked around together, just them too. I got so much more depressed. So i walked up to her and started to talk and she said that she wanted time apart from each other so i said that was cool and tried to keep my composure which i did do. So were going to do the no contact thing for alittle while i hope for not long but do you think that would work? especially with this other guy in her life? I cant do much anyway since she wants time away from me to. Help please i need it badly. I g2g back to school in a little while anyway. I'm on my lunch break. I hope someone will help me...because i dont have any hope right now what so ever that she'll get back with me. I pray that I can get her back. I love her and I miss her.

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Okay, first of all, if i read your post right, this ended because of your jealousy...so no contact...none. Work on you emotions you may not be able to help being jealous but you can sure work on hiding it...

Do not worry about her friend...remember thats what got you here in the first place...learn to get your head around jealousy...It's something that will hurt your life, in more areas than just your relationships...

Work on yourself for awhile...give her time she needs and the space...

good luck bro!

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Hey guys thanks for the help, im going to do the no contact thing and "feeding the bird" technique. I hope it will work. I hope you guys can give me some support because it is so hard, i just want to go and talk to her and see her especially because of the one friend that she had that she is starting to like because they are around each other a lot and im afraid i might have lost her forever. If I do start to "starve the bird" so to say with no contact, wouldnt the bird go somewhere else to find the food?

please help me, i am welcome to anymore advice anybody has on my situation.

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I broke up with my girlfriend 3 months ago, and we still hung out and talked and all that, we broke up because I wanted all the fighting to stop and I just wanted to be friends so we could learn to compromise, however I didn't tell her that because I wanted her to learn on her own. Then one day she found someone else someone she lieks alot and since then all she has been saying to me is go away, get lost and when I try to make her happy she tells me to stop following her and to get a life, and says how stupid our relationship was, like I can't eat, I can't sleep, I feel my heart is blowing up all the time and I feel sick all the time and I can never have fun, because I want her back more then anything and I'm so confused on how to do it, like I try to ignore her and stuff hoping that she'll miss me and want me back but I'm afraid she'll forget about me.

it hurt the most last night when I walked to her house in the rain and when she opened the door I tried to kiss her but she pushed me away and didn't even care. I really want her back and I don't know how to do it, whether it's ignoring her so she'll miss me or keep being friends with her and hanging out with her, cause she said that she didn't wanna lose me as a friend but it's too hard to see her everyday knowing I want her back, and all I hear about is her new guy. I just need to know how to get her back badly.

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