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Just venting and making some observations

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That 3 months after my break up with my EX she is already saying I love you to this new guy. To be completely honest I really truly don't think she knows what real love is. She uses those words to make herself feel better. I mean is it normal to fall in love with someone so quickly after they have just Apparently loved someone like never before. She always told me she loved me like she has never loved someone before. I believe she was just blowing smoke up my ass because if she really truly loved me like she said she did, And the break up wasn't mean or nasty, then she cannot possibly just Love this other guy as muhc as she said she loved me but apparently she does. I just don't get it.


It's actually making moving on and letting go of her a lot easier for me, that I now know she is a manipulative person who will say just about anything to you to make herself feel better. I truly feel sorry for this guy, again he has been sucked into her world of deceit and manipulation and is falling for it. Oh he drove an Hr to surprise her at her home. HAHA I flew 1600 Miles to do the same thing.


She also has children that told her after we broke up that she should take a break and work on their relationship (kids and hers). But what does she do goes out and meets a guy who makes her feel good, and totally dismisses her childrens wishes.


Karma will bite her so hard!!! She wouldn't know real love if it jumped up and glared her in the face ( I sure showed her it and look what she did to me). And she calls me the Liar.


Thanks for letting me vent.

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My ex-girlfriend is saying the samething to her new bf as well. We broke up sometime in early Feb. and she started seeing someone around April. Maybe it's just me but people like that are really really lonely people. They can't be happy by themselves so they need other people to keep them happy. Just my opinion. I loved her very much be she wouldn't know what love is if it bit her in the rear end like you said.

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totally agree, My EX cant be happy by herself and that is why after 3 months of breaking up with her BF prior to me, she roped me in. hmmm 3 months I can now see a pattern. And I also loved her very very much more then I ever loved before.

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Yes my ex is a great person in general just a few things she can work on, Like her quality to have very low self esteem and cant seem to live alone for any period of time. I feel bad for her children, she setting them a very bad example.

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Yes my ex is a great person in general just a few things she can work on, Like her quality to very low self esteem and cant seem to live alone for any period of time.


Again, this just sounds like she is very needy and needs to say "I love you" to someone in hopes they will say it back and then she will be validated.


sounds so similar to a situation I was in..

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I met my bf very quickly after I had broken up with a guy. I love him deeply and we are still together 10 years later. If a relationship isn't working, I don't grieve over it's ending. Life is short. You CAN love someone right after breaking up with someone. It's not that big a stretch and it CAN last a very long time.

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It all depends. What feels so strong and real to one, may have and probably did (if they broke up) simmer down into nothing. Maybe she had planned it for quite some time? Maybe she is jumping into this relationship to avoid feeling the raw pain. Who knows. I was with my ex ex for 2 years. I planned to break up with him for quite some time before I actually did it. I grieved over him for about a week. I thought I loved him, but now I see I was only attached. I started talk and dating my most recent ex (who I deeply love) only a month or so after. We were dating for 2 years. This is our second breakup. Sometimes things just don't get as planned... And really sometimes feelings just change.

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Yea this is true, just hard to fathom that her feelings for me would change over night when I hadn't done anything to really deserve it. I can see if i was a lying cheating bastard, but I wasn't, She never did give me a reason and I guess this is why it is difficult for me to understand. I do believe she had planned on breaking up with me but the week after she broke up with me, while i was moving out she and I both acted liek we were both together, She still said " I love you", I saw her crying a few times. So maybe that was her grieving process. Grieve while I was still there. Who knows and I probably will never know.

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That is the hardest part. Sometimes you need to accept there is no answers. It just kinda happens. My ex dumped my ass! I was perfect to him, treated him like he was the only guy. He dumped me twice! I tried to squeeze out every answer I could. I yelled "how could you kiss a girl THREE days after we broke up!?!"... And he said every excuse.. Then he was nice, then mean. Truth is, and I accept, there really just aren't any logical answers.

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something to consider, each person is on their own path in life, some people will never learn and will end up lonely and bitter at the end, I feel sorry for them. People like us that take life seriously and want to learn and grow, even if it is painful, will eventually find someone that will have the same ideals and stick it out...


I truly do not believe in the fairy tale of "happily ever after", but unfortunately, there are many more people that do to some extent and they are the ones that will forever leave a path of chaos and destruction in their wake as they plow through relationship after relationship trying to find that "one person that will make me happy".


IMHO, the only person that can "make" me happy is me... if I don't bring that to the relationship, then it won't be there. Anyone that believes that someone else will provide them with "happiness" is a fool.


I have chosen to not allow the immature callousness of my ex's to affect my belief that eventually I will be in a place where I have grown enough to attract the one that will stick it out with me... from this day forward, I live for myself and believe that I will find someone that truly understand what a commitment is about.

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That is exactly right, you can only make yourself happy. My ex is looking for someone to make her happy. She claimed I made her the happiest she had ever been, but now we know that is a lie, because this new guy she is saying those exact words to. Yes maybe she is happy right now with him and will be for who knows how long. But I know she is one of those people looking for her "fairy tale" to come true.

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I have just found out my ex-husband is seeing someone else. He was my ex because he left me for someone else. He wasn't happy with his new girlfriend and was always flirting and being suggestive towards me. He got sad at times too telling me how much he regretted his decision saying he was unhappy at the time and needed a way out. Well guess what, he needed a way out of this relationship too and when I wasn't cooperative he found someone else. His ex-girlfriend is still living with him (in my old house), we are still not yet divorced and yet he still feels the need to bring a 3rd person into the equation. I don't understand why he doesn't just take time out for a while. As soon as his girlfriend is out of the house his new one will be in. Pathetic piece of s**t!!

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Yes Jellybaby some people cant just be alone for any period of time. They need to feel that void or hole that they themselves have put there. I would of stayed with my ex until I was old and grey. While most people my age would of ran from all the baggage that came with her (5 kids, oldest was diagnosed with cancer,low income family). I stood my ground and helped her as much as I could. It seemed just when all those things were becoming obsolete (her son was cured, income began to increase) she got rid of me.


I dot get it either and I probably never will.

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pdoog: you sound like a very decent person who doesn't deserve to be hurting, but then who does. It seems that those who flit from relationship to relationship trying to find happiness only cause others a lot of pain. My ex-husband is going through hell right now with his now ex-girlfriend but tbh he only has himself to blame. His answer to this ... to move on to someone else. I think he is happy in his new relationship right now but he seems to get off on that "honeymoon" period but when that ends he cant hack reality.


Meanwhile those of us who let these people into our lives get hurt.

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