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Nights Without You


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Sleepless, dreamless, hopeless nights,

I wish for you to come.

To fill my eyes with tears of happiness,

and take away this glum.


I wish for you to put your hands around me,

and make me cozy and warm,

and fill my stomach with butterflies and bees,

that so gently swarm.


I wish for you to bring me joy,

when everything seems so bad,

and take me out of this unhappy mood,

that makes me feel so sad.


I wish for you to give me back the memories

that brightened up my heart,

and let us share more of them,

because I do not understand

why we ever did part.


I wish for everything to be as it was,

having soft sleeps filled with dreams and hope tonight,

so that for every coming day there is a shine of light.


Does it have to end like this?

For I'm not back in your arms,

my dreams still torn,

my heart still empty,

my life with no happiness,

my day with no future without you.

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I warmed to your poem, I read it a couple of times trying to understand the back ground behind it but kind of saw an ended friendship or relationship and even though there was bad you just want the simplicity of hugs and small moments of joy back, you don't see to regret much other than loss, and it seems that such a small thing to someone is so great. I believe that your trying to show how important the small things are and when you once took them for granted you now miss, with your entire heart! That's just my opinion.


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