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How Should I take this

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If you have been following my story we have been broken up for about two months now. He started seeing someone right after we broke up. We have stayed in some contact but not much. I guess it made it eaiser for me not to contact him knowing he was with someone else. By the way we were together two years. I called him ysterday morning just to say Hi and see how he was doing...he said he wanted to be friends. He called me last night and we were talking and he asked if he could stop by. I said fine and we just talked for awhile. He was telling me how the new woman was getting on his nerves and all kinds of other stuff. Well one thing lead to another and we ended up sleeping with each other and he spent the night. He told me how much he missed this and would talk about what he missed about our relationship. I don't want to get my hopes up becasue i know he is with this other woman becasue we talked about it. He really didn't seem happy about their relationship but we didn't talk about it much. I told him he could talk to me about becasue I was ther for him. He left this morning and said that he would call me later in the week. I just don't know what to think. I don't want to get my heart ripped out agian. Any advice please

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Ouch...I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Sorry to hear that you're hurting right now, but my thoughts are, he's being completely inconsiderate. He's being inconsiderate to you, and her. What he's doing is, he's rebounding from one woman to another.


That's not fair for you right? That's not fair for her either! He's just thinking only about himself. How do you know if he's just 'acting' that way? What if he's just telling you that he's having problems with her to 'cover' up his emotions? Meaning, he could just be telling you a sob story just to try to get you in bed. There are a whole bunch of possible reasons for what he's doing, but you must realize that what he's pulling, is dirty.


I mean, you guys were together for 2 years, and then now he's with someone else, and all of a sudden resorts to going back to you? I think that he should be considerate to your emotions. You're hurting. And I must compliment you for being so patient! You are a nice girl, who does not need to be caught up in that 'situation.' Boy, he should be happy to know that he's got someone who's commited to him, even after he's already found someone else. If you're that committed, then I think that you deserve someone who will commit just the same amount of emotions as you. Meaning, the relationship should exhibit 'equal' and 'reciprical' commitment.


Plus, him telling you about his problems with her, is not cool...If he's got issues with his women, then it should be between him and her only. That's what relationships are about. You work it out with your partner, and not a 3rd party. He's adding you as a third shoe, so it messes up the entire situation, making things completely complicated. Just don't get involved for now. He's confused of what he wants. And you being there to give him your all, will definitely be fair for you. I think that it's best that you put yourself ahead of him, because you're still hurt. You're not being selfish, but cautious.


Take Care and Good Luck. There are plenty of other guys out there. He's not the last one. If it didn't work out to begin with, then don't waste your time, because there are so many potentials out there, far better than him! Keep your head up! Feel better k!

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