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What are we????

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Last night, me and my friend hung out for about 5 hours. Me and her were laying together on my bed watching a movie and she kissed me. We satrted making out and we did for hours. There was a lot of touching and feeling involved as well (without going into detail). Right now I'm confused over what we are relationshipwise. I'm fine with whatever but I dont know what she wants. Our making out was pretty intense but I dont know if she wants to move past being just friends.


Would you consider an intense make out "session" to be saying that she wants more??? Or are we more already???

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hi. maybe she wants more, maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing. usually it's best not to assume anything, unless you're sure. i would just talk to her and ask her what she wants, friends? friends with benefits? to be together? just make sure both of you know what's going on so no one gets hurt.


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You should straighten out this confusion by talking to her, ask what she wants from your relationship.


If she wants to be more than friends is that someting you are willing to risk - if you got together and broke up would your friendship remain the same?


If she wants to remain friends then thats great, just be sure what you both want next time because someone could end up getting hurt.


I think that YOU should be sure of what you want, do YOU want more from the relationship?



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I think that's a question you need to talk to her about. Cos there are a lot of friends I have that have a "friends with benefits" type of relationship. Strictly friends but they have casual sex with eachtoher all the time. But maybe your friend does want more? She's the only one who could really answer that.

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I dont think that I want a "friends with benefits" situation with her. Before we got too into it I asked her if she thought this would hurt our friendship and she said "no". But I definitely see her in a slightly different way now. We were extremely close friends before but this brought some new thoughts. We've talked since and she said she had a good time and she said she enjoyed it. I think she may want more but there's something telling me the opposite. Another thing that is making this a question is that she broke up with her BF less than a week ago. I dont think that she would use me and I know that she has some feelings for me but I cant be too sure. I'll just ask her about it next time we chill.


Thank you all for your help and any more advice would be more than appreciated.



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