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Question about age and pregnancy!

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Ok, first of all, no, im not pregnant. but i have a question, and want opinions...ok what age do you think is a ok age to have your first baby...not going into marriage, or nothing like that. but, if you were a parent and your child told you they were pregnant...at what age would you not freak out so bad? or not think is to young. Like do you think 18 or 19 is to young to have a baby????? Just wanted to hear some opinions!!!

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I would say that at about age 23+ would be a good time to have a child. It will have given the person a chance to get a steady job and be in a good financial situation. They will have also decided that a child is what they want, past all of the raging hormones of the late teens.


But that is just my opinion....



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I think that really depends on the person. For some women, they are mature enough, responsible enough, and emotionally ready to have a baby at age 18-19. For other women, they may NEVER be ready.


As a parent, I guess that I wouldn't freak out if my 21 year old daughter told me she was pregnant. Much younger than that and I would have to take a long hard look at the situation to tell whether I was upset or not. Is the father of the baby responsible? Will he be there for her and for the child? Is it a long term relationship or was the pregnancy a result of a fling?


All those things would go through my mind. But regardless of how old my daughter was, I would help her in any way I could should that situation happen. Unfortunately, not all parents think the same way.



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i dont think i would freak out too much if they were around 19 (if it was my child) but then again it depends on the upbringin and relationships that child has, and at some point that girl isnt a child any more and is then a woman.


i dont think that people should have a child because they think its an something worth having as an accessory or they are capable of having one, but more so because they believe they love the person they are with and have set out what they want to do in the future, yet then theres the fact that a child is not always expected.


im drawing out my answer sorry, 19 would be comfortable but i would like to see my child have their career and life set out as a deffinite for them, knowing they will be able to handle whats to come.



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I can't really offer an opinion on this, but all I can say is that when i was 19, I was pregnant and ended up having a miscarriage at 20 weeks (4 months). My parent's were shocked, but accepted that I was living on my own and could take care of the baby. They didn't like the father of the baby, but they were happy. Now, I'm 21 years old and I'm pregnant again, in fact, I'm due to give birth in 5 weeks and my parent's are very happy, love the father of the baby, and just generally are looking forward to this (sometimes more than I am at time, lol) but I do believe they are happier now that I am a bit older and more responsible now than when I was pregnant at 19.

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Honestly - optimally (and I know a lot of people will disagree), I'd say mid to late 20's - not even so much because of maturity either. It's more a combination of stability - and of giving yourself a chance to experience things both as a single AND as a couple without the responsibility, and consuming 24/7 attention, a baby requires. Of course most women are quite capable much younger, but there's a lot of experiences you can miss out on when your focus naturally shifts to parenthood. I adore my kids - and being a mom is both rewarding and fulfilling, but I do realize I missed a lot of chances to travel, vacation, and indulge myself a little first - and it's something I'd advise everyone to consider. There are a lot of things you can't do so easily once you have children, and no, I don't resent it at all - but things like changing careers, changing residences, taking extra classes, are all much easier to do, and don't impact other people to the same degree, if you do them before you have others to take into primary consideration.

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well I'm 18, and coming from me...There is NO way I could support child right now. As for my mom approving, she would never "dissown" me..or any of those crazy things I've heard. I know my mom would have to help me.."help" isnt even the word for it. I am a college student with a brand new carr ..things that i want to have forme..and aslo a life ahead of me...right now this is the age to live for me, and to get ahead, sort of..at this age...we should be selfish with ourselves. Id have to say that any parent wouldn't WANT their child at 18 or 19 to become pregnant, but I think at that age...it's acceptable. Thats in my opinion though..it all depends on the person and family.

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ok this is the problem you can have a baby at 12 if you were mature enough, which no one is ready to have a baby then so wut im gettin at is it depends on if your mature or not but personailly I think 23 is a great age your mature and your out in the real world

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  • 5 months later...

Every one is different. I think as long as you are married mature and ready to give up your freedom and basically your life for someone elses you are ready. When you are financially secure, married, and willing to settle down. Other wise you will be rife with regrets, i know tons of single regrettful mothers and it SUCKS> be ready then go for another year and see if you are still ready. Its a major decision.

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