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Everything piling on I need some guidance :-/

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Well, I am getting so depressed and so upset because my what I like to think of a life is going to hell. First off my school grades are horrible I am failing 5 out of 8 classes, only because I lack the motivation or ambition to acctually do any work. Now, I am moving to a new town and my parents want to take me away from all my friends, My brother just moved out and is gone for good, the girl I like is with my head. I don't know might seem pathetic but I dunno. I have no goals I got nothing. I am just a lonely loser looking for some kind of happiness and when I almost reach that happiness something ridiculously stupid gets in my way.. Some inspiration or some kind of guidance would be great.

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hey...u knwo wut! we all have days like that..well at leats i know i have...and its very common to think of...well...death..because you honetsly think nothing can get better, but honestly it really really can, i was just like you!, and in fact somedays i still am, i mean sometimes my parenst scream at me for eveyrthing, skool is horrible, my boyfriend gets mad at me, i feel lazy and its soo horrible!...i knwo wut u feel....the way i deal with it, is i find soemthing that i love!..for example, i move alot, i mean believe it or not, sicne i was born ive moved to mexico, to england, to cali to vegas and all over! but now that im in a stable place i loove to look back on the things ive experienced, and a thing that really helps me remember all thsoe good times is music, i can relate soo much to music, and fotos of back then, and the happy moments and evrythign i mean it was so great and i wouldnt change it for the world, i mean i love to sit in my room with my door shut, head fones tighly on my ears, volume all the way up, and a stack of fotos in front of me,..im just siitting there looking at all my memories and listening to the music i most loove!!! ITS GREAT AND I LOVE DOING THAT!...it makes me feel relaxed and in a good mood!...but another thing are grades!! god skool sux doenst it!?...i know i know!! it sux soo bad! wut i did to help me, was..( i know this sounds soo pathetically gay and prolly eveyrone has told u to do this, and u just think its the stupidest thing! trust me i know wut u mean but it seriously truly totally helped me..) sit down one day and get a piece of paper and a pen and just write doen your goals...even if ts silly stuff, long term, short term, WHATEVER, just write it down..i mean its gonna be for u so u dont have to show anybod, so dont be embarrassed to write wutever u want down....and keep it soemwhere safe, and whenever ur about to give up on soemthing, just take a look at it..also write down the reasons WHY you want to accopmlish those goals..... and always rememebr my 2 fav phrases in teh world....

" always take risks!"

" the one who doesnt try will never win"

take care hope i helped bye!!!

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