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is it odd to have a small penis and have sex


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Well there are really no home remedies…not that im aware of at least…

Id say you don't need to do anything, if she doesn't like you as you are is that really someone you want to be doing this with?


Just my thoughts



Oh and if you do decide to go all the way make sure you use protection! I cant stress that enough! At 15 you don't want any babies and im sure she doesn't either.


Edit: Spelling

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In time you will grow, mostly in wisdom, & realize it is not the size that is important but how it it used. Also important is how considerate you are of the other persons needs. Just being tall doesn't guarantee that you will be a great basketball player.

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im 8 and some people seem to not like having sex with me. it all depends on the person. try oral with her and see what she thinks of ur size. if she doesnt like it then she dump u.but personaly i dont think she that kinda a girl. not all girls care about size buddy. and maybe u still havent grow all the way. dont worry about it buddy. im 16 and look at me

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Try getting a penis pump offline it comes in not so obvious wrapping. But it doesn't enlarge it forever just use it before hand and it enhances it for that day. Depending on what you get. But think a lot about it before you do this I mean you're 15 and hormones are raging wouldn't you want to do with someone you really care about? And have a relationship with I mean she could turn around and tell the whole world your business. I don't' think you want everyone to know about that. Girls gossip real bad and it will get out and around. Just be sure and careful. Good luck

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