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Update on my problem: 1 that only seems to get worse!!!

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Hey everyone.......need suggestions/comments/just tell shut up,



I've been in many relationships and never have a problem with the ladies, but I am still so captivated by this amazing relationship and want the person back that made it possible.


For reference purposes this is my original post: link removed

(Not really necessary to read, but just incase you want to)


My life seems to be a rollercoaster of emotions. I've never been a violent person, but this feeling of helplessness gets me so frustrated that it seems to be the only outlet that surfaces at the end of the cycle of denial and depression. My passion of exercise is the only other thing that helps me out, but it's not meidically pratical to do this 24/7. I've tried most of everything else and that hasn't seemed to work.


My ex of now 2 months, which to some of you may seem like nothing, but this has been by far the hardest 2 months of my life. This girl brought something to my life that no one has every done. (Friends, family, etc..)


I'm a very popular guy at college and no matter how much I try not to think about her I can't, and so on and so forth.


To avoid the risk of losing friends, I put on the biggest front to keep from annoying them with this whole thing.


Now for the great information that has happened over the past two months. If you want to just reply to the above without reading what may be a short novel, please do. For those that are willing to read on...it'll be intrestingly delightful.


Well, i've signed with a couple of agencies for modeling and looks like I may be getting a house bought for me right outside of New York, but this is completely dependant on whether or not me having to finish out school will interfere. Everyone is like awesome and that should be enough motivation to feel much better, but it doesn't.


Not even 2 weeks later she is already talking to someone else and from what people tell me she's with him. I ran into my ex once at the gym running the track and I didn't know how I was going to handle it so I just left. Of course that started my emotions flowing. The next encounter was at my apartment....my apt. parking lot is right next to the entrance/exit out of the college parking lot. Well I was just getting back from the gym and as I was getting out of my car I saw her coming out of the parking lot.....now i know anyone knowing where their just recent ex lives they will be interested enough to look and see if there car is in the parking lot, but she drove right by me which I could only assume that she was ignoring me.


A week ago in the gym one of her guy friends who I knew came up to me and asked how everything was going....I just told him it's going and wasn't going to get into the whole situation, but he asked me for my side. Which come to find out he was happy he talked to me, because he said she had conveniently left out some of the big things and that he couldn't believe she did or said any of that let alone breakup with me. On top of that he knows the new guy personally and he said that he told her that it was a big mistake for her to do see him and do what she's doing. This surpised me since this guy always seemed to not like me.


Well this week like the past have consisted of lots of drinking and partying. I was going out friday and one of her roommates told me hi and asked what i was up to and i kept it short and just said I was probably going out to this bar. Well sure enough her and 2 of her friends show up, by this time i was pretty hammered. Well they just tood there in a group looking my way everyonce and awhile and I just acted as if i was ignoring them. My friends were told me to just move to the other side of the bar, since I couldn't bring myself to talking to her. So the night goes on and sure enough she just happens to walk to the other side of the bar and with doing it walks right by me....I wasn't going to say anything, but she said hi and I just said hey and threw my hands up and just said talk to you later. Well her and her friends went and stood in there group not 10 feet from where I was. I knew a bunch of hot girls and told them to act like they were all over me.....well this seemed to get her going because she left pretty quick. Me being drunk though of course i think now I just missed a perfect opportunity.


The next day I couldn't resist because she was looking so very good and text messaged her. Just saying hi and how have you been.....her reply was I'm going to New Orleans to watch "her new guy" play soccer.....I replied ok, well maybe we'll talk some other time. The comment she made though tore me up......so off to my boys and the bottle.


Last night one of her friends was around and I told her hi and to tell my ex hi......instead of just saying ok she said "not be mean, but she has a new guy"......i just thought to myself w.t.f.....i replied "I know and I hope she's happy, I did what I could...and take it easy".......well leave it to the emotion I haven't cried since the day she broke up with me, but last night was a repeat.


I guess I don't really have any questions that I need answered, but I would love to hear any comments/suggestions.

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Hey A&F, I really feel for you. It's been nearly 2 months since I saw my ex (SuperBowl Sunday) and I don't think I could handle it right now if I did see him. I actually dread seeing him because I know that it will set me back to the beginning of our split. The fact that you have seen your ex multiple times and only cried once is doing pretty good. I haven't seen mine and I still cry. Some days will be good for you and some days will be bad and you get through the bad ones the best way you know how. Just hang in there and stay strong.

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thanks to those who replied, but since this post i've either cried or became unbearable frustrated with thhe idea that the greatest love of my life was nothing at all and that some other guy is enjoying the "in's and outs" of the girl i am sure i want to marry. Right now my feelings have gone into self-destruct mode and it's what i do next that scares me. I can't as hard as I try see past the only 2 options that seem plausible for me and that is make myself the most I can be and show her i've changed and get her back -or- use my huge social power and dirt that i have and make her life like mine.

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