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How do I be attractive to girls?


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Hey guys

I never thought I was unsocial but lately I find myself having a hard time meeting new people and especially meeting girls. I have had several girlfriends in the past and had a good time but it seems as more and more as time goes on I have more difficulties interacting in social events. Why is that? I no longer have anything to talk about and I just feel like I am becoming uninteresting.

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Think about what you do at work, or at school, or during your free time. Anything interesting going on there to talk about? If not, maybe you need to make some changes and add some excitement to your life. I find that whenever I start to feel boring, it's because my life has begun to become boring as well and I need to try something new to get excited about.

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By this do you mean clothing style? Because I know a guy who gets girls all the time and has maybe three or four plain shirts and that's the extent of his wardrobe. Another guy I know dresses really nerdy and is always getting girls. In my opinion being concerned about how you dress will take your mind away from actually talking to girls, which is way more important.


I know what you mean i pull just as many girls in shorts and white shirt as i do in my suit..... just letting the guy know these are some basic.. and of course talking and holding the right conversation is way more important then clothes....


Good advice but the conclusion is a little hopeful. (just sounded like one of those A-then-B promise thingies)


hey just starting with the basics... when he gives more detail then i can be more helpfull.

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By this do you mean clothing style? Because I know a guy who gets girls all the time and has maybe three or four plain shirts and that's the extent of his wardrobe. Another guy I know dresses really nerdy and is always getting girls. In my opinion being concerned about how you dress will take your mind away from actually talking to girls, which is way more important.


To me a good sense of style is simple. Make sure your clothes fit! Baggy doesn't work and makes you look like a boy not a man. If you are fit then let people see it witch you will accomplish by wearing clothes that fit. If you are not fit then start hitting the gym. Get a gq or someother similar magazine and check out what the men are wearing.


Just be confident wherever you go. Don't hide behind your friends! Also the gym works well for boosting your confidence as well.


Talk and flirt with everyone this will improve your conversation skills along with finding out what flirting techniques work for you.


Start doing exciting things and you will have plenty to talk about.

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I think your right. What kind of excitment?


Any kind, just find something that excites you and you enjoy talking about. Are you passionate about your work? Are you excited about a course you're taking in school? Do you have any interesting stories from when you were traveling/fishing/skiing/partying/whatever you enjoy doing in your free time? If you don't have anything, try making some changes in your life and finding things you're passionate about. You'll be a happier person because of it, and as an added bonus you'll be more interesting to women.


Also, there's a lot of discussion on here about clothing and being in shape. To most women, confidence is more important than any particular style or body type. A man can be average-looking and not particularly stylish, but if he's confident in what he's wearing and okay with the way he looks, he will be more interesting to women than a man who wears expensive designer clothes and spends hours in the gym to impress women.

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hey just starting with the basics... when he gives more detail then i can be more helpfull.


Just to be pedantic, hehe, what would you say is your current problem blink - attracting girls or being interesting to them them?


I know it's being picky and they are related, but they are different as well. I mean I'm pretty hopeless at being interesting to girls too however just being attractive, getting interaction is low enough for me as it is. But if you get your regular chances to talk to girls and you just don't think you're "exciting" enough I would go with the whole "knowledge is power" thing. You minimise being left out with nothing to say.

hmm, on that note I should go read up on cars. I have no interest in cars but being a guy I really should get some know-how. Car talk just happens so much with my mates.

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