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So lonely... i really need a gf, but where do i start?


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Hi everyone,


At the moment i hate my life and myself i have never had a gf and i have no possible career prosepects. I constantly falling in and out of depression i try asking girls out but they either say "No" or they just rather stay friends with me. My life has been going down hill i fallen behind on college work, i have no part-time job so im constantly living on my savings which i shouldn't. I just feel lonely, empty inside and as if no-one loves me, i hate going out with my friends because they all have someone "special" with them and i hate being the odd one out of the bunch and so i spend most of my weekends at home doing nothing. Even if i wanted to go looking for a gf i don't know where to start, im not a clubbing sort of guy and i cant even drive yet, so im restricted to where i can go and im strapt for cash. So im sure my life can only get worse , sometimes i think that god is picking on me. I don't have many friends, because most of them have moved away or left for good and those that i have well as i explained above.


Feeling depressed again, and wondering why im even on this planet... can anyone please help me,


Thank you.


-[ kamui ]-

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Hi Kamui,

Your at least asking girls out.. I am not. I don't even know how.. everyone around me acts like its easy.. i find it nearly impossible.


Being single after a long relationship is hard.. its almost a game of chicken!


Do you know what your looking for? Whats wrong with becoming friends with these girls?


It used to bother me being called a girls "friend", until some of the girl "friends" friends started having feelings for me..



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Im after an attractive girl, quaint, with a good personality and knows what she want's i suppose. I don't mind being friends with girls i have quite a few girl friends but i really want a gf, i just feel so lonely. Very few people really know me and when i mean few only a couple, im a shy guy but i have been trying to overcome my fear of shyness and becoming more confident but it doesn't seem to be working. I seem to be taking some rejections better than other, it took a my last recjection about a week for me to come back to normal because i really liked this girl. I'm not afraid of being friends with these girls it's just that i want a gf, someone special that i can call mine someone i can rely on and i want to be relyed on i suppose again im wanting to be needed.


I just want to fill this big gap that's missing in my life, which has been since for ever .


Thanks for replying,


-[ kamui ]-

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The best type of girlfriend, is the best friend type..


I don't know very many happy couples where they didn't start out as friends.


Why don't you just become friends with her, and see where it goes? Are you lusting or looking for a relationship?



I am shy as well.. and know very few people. It is very hard to meet people..


But, one thing to remember, as nervous or as shy as you feel, most of the time, the other people around you feel the same way..


Nobody is ever going to "fill" a gap, you gotta fill that gap in yourself.

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Im currently trying to get close to someone but it's not that she isn't showing an intrest as such i think she worried what her friends might think i mean the only time we really talk together is when there's a group of us and that only happens on a Wednesday at my college (got a half day, 3hrs to wait for bus). She seems to fill everything that im looking for in a gf but i don't want to rush nothing and make a big mess and end up being depressed with myself. I think that she's also nervous and wants to as well but it's hard for both of us when were not going to do anything. Im at a whole stop with my love life and my current life, it's being bugging me for awhile.


About the filling the gap, i guess your right im probably going to have to find a way to fill the gap myself.


Thanks again.


-[ kamui ]-

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  • 4 weeks later...

no one can be as pathetic as me im a boy who likes a girl in my class and i dont know how to talk to her. she is so intellingent all my other friends are really open on who they like but i dont know how to communicate with her. im very shy and i get neverous aroung her



plz help me i need serius help

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