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Hello Everyone...

Last night i received a phone call @ 10:45 p.m....

to my surprise, it was her....

I wasn't sure what to do, why she would be calling (there is no reason to call me) no ties left, etc...

I remained strong and did not answer...

Now I can't stop questioning in my head why would she be calling......

Was it to say hi ? was it to ask some stupid question, was it to tell me off?

I don't know, but at this point I don't want to know either.....

My head is telling me that the call wasn't for anything good....

but yet... theres that dang hope....

she hasn't called or emailed or anything today.....

I guess if it was really important, she will contact me somehow.

But it puzzles me, why call ? there is absolutely no reason for a call.

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I can only think of two reasons why she would call, (and this is only because you said there are no ties left). One, she was in some kind of trouble and needed you at that moment - i.e. personal crisis of some sort or she needed a ride or something.... Or, two, she had been drinking and was reminescing.... drinking sometimes leads us to call ex's...... no one can say for sure except her.


I think if you do not want her back, I wouldn't bother calling her back.... if you want her back, you might call and ask what it was she wanted.... it all depends on how long you were together, the breakup, etc.....


Keep us posted.

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The no contact silence may be working. As much as we tend to think the other person isn't feeling similar emotions or going through their own form of pain, isn't always so.


Considering the late hour the call came in, it may have been due to a weak moment on her part. Not sure that you should return the call since she didn't leave a message. Odds are, she will call again...next time you may want to answer so that it's not on your mind as to "why" she called. The "not knowing" is whats the hardest!


Good luck & take care,


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