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Scared and Alone


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my boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago. We had unprotected sex, and now I'm pregnant. I don't know if I should tell him. I don't know what I should do. I'm so lost right now. I'm still trying to heal from this hard break up, and now I have to deal with the stress of my irresponsibility. I don't know what to do. I'm frantic.

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First of all you need to calm down. If I were in your shoes I would tell him because it is his baby, and he has the right to know. That is if he isn't abusive, crazy, on drugs, or anything like that. You can tell him that he doesn't have to care or have anything to do with the baby (assuming you plan on keeping it), but you felt that the right thing to do was to let him know. Bringing a new life into the world seems scary, but many times it brings you more joy and hapiness than you ever realize. Of course I am not a mother myself, but I can only imagine how mothers feel brining babies into the world. Plus I hear other people talking about it and things. I want kids, but of course I want to be married, and I want the man I marry to want them as well so I am on birth control until that day comes, if it does. If you don't have a lot of money you can get on the government programs and things to help you. Well I guess that is all I have to say for now so I hope I have helped. Good Luck, and keep us updated.

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Now is the time to ask yourself "What do I want to do?" Who can you confide in...family, friends, a counselor, your doctor? You do have choices, but time is of the essense now and talking them out with someone you can hanve an open conversation with will make it easier.


As far as telling your ex, not sure what that will accomplish, unless you feel he would get back with you...but the pregnancy is not the "main" reason he should be coming back for. A baby is a beautufil experience, but it will change your life forever. You have a choice...but the choice should be what is best for yourself and based on where you are in life right now, your future goals, finances and if you are ready to handle such a responsibility by yourself.


Good luck to you and I wish you well,


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I think it would be best to tell your ex. Its his responsibility too. Just because you are no longer together doesn't mean he shouldn't take responsibilty for his actions as well. Its not like you got pregnant on your own. He had a lot to do with it. Hopefully you are both at least on good terms with each other where you can talk this through without getting into a huge fight. I think letting him know might be helpful for you. You can always give this baby up for adoption, if you decide not to keep it. Otherwise, you can keep the baby. Depending on where you life is right now, if you can afford to keep the baby & want to, he or she will bring happiness to your life. Your ex could also help take care of it by paying child support & being there for the baby. It all really is up to you, but to answer your question, I think you should let your ex know as soon as possible. He really has no right to get mad or upset. This is half his doing. Have you even told anyone? I think it will help you to not be so scared if you also tell someone you can trust like a friend, relative, or counsler, or doctor.

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Tell him if you don't you will be plagued with misery of coulda, shoulda, and woulda. I trust that you will be fine and it is alright to be scared of the whole situation.


Surround yourself with friends and family and let them know what is wrong so that they too can help you. And tell him. If he is not understanding than he is not worth the time to bother with. There is always child support. But then again it is up to you to decide what you want. Try your best.

Good luck

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