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I find it hard to talk for more than 10 minutes


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Hey there. I asked out my girlfriend last week and all is well, period. We're both shy, even though we both act confident around eachother. Inside, we freak when we see eachother. lol


Anyway, I find it hard to talk to her for a long period. I just... Run out of things to say. I also can't talk to her with her friends around. I've never been the talker - more of a listener - and this is all new to me.


Please help.


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I have almost the exact same probalem, its not all that you are shy, it is really because you have run out of things to talk about, sometimes silence is golden.

If you are outside or something, look at clouds, grass, dirt, talk about them, play cards or something. Its not all talk.

Don't worry about talking around her friends, i get like that too, just slide into the conversation.

If you are anything like me, you need about 10min to warm up to the crowd, don't worry it gets to be less and less of a problem as you get older (I am 16)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have almost an opposite problem....I cant get my girl to ever shut up! But the trick is, in my book to keep talkin about what she did that week, or how has life been going....and from my experiance with girls, they like to talk....u just need to ask certain questions....try writing some down before u talk to her on the phone or internet....

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