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Fitness and Diet Questions Answered

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Of course. Hey, by the way Ghost, we had some discussion a few months ago about how a woman can increase the size of her butt. I'm very happy to report to you that I worked on some of the tips given by you and others, and my butt has never been rounder. Lol... It's unbelievable how much it's changed over the course of a few months. I've been doing the tread mill on max incline, alternated with running.

Do deadlifts (with proper form). Your husband will owe me a beer, at the very least.

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hi superman.

i'm small and thin and i think i have a small stomach along with it. i do eat often, meals and snacks. i just cannot eat a lot in one sitting. i have to take breaks while i eat. this doesn't allow me to gain weight which i want to do. what's the best way i can gain weight? i can gain about 5 or so lbs but then it kind of stops there.

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hi superman.

i'm small and thin and i think i have a small stomach along with it. i do eat often, meals and snacks. i just cannot eat a lot in one sitting. i have to take breaks while i eat. this doesn't allow me to gain weight which i want to do. what's the best way i can gain weight? i can gain about 5 or so lbs but then it kind of stops there.

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I agree about the best looking women at the gym hitting the weights. So, so true.


But my gym membership expired and, since it's summer, I'd rather not renew. I jog in the park by my house and it's got lots of steep hills. I also regularily do pilates. Is that going to be enough on its own or should I also be doing some kind of weights? Should I pick up one of those 5 lb balls to work out with at home?


Any kind of weights and even the ball would be good to maintain strength.

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hi superman.

i'm small and thin and i think i have a small stomach along with it. i do eat often, meals and snacks. i just cannot eat a lot in one sitting. i have to take breaks while i eat. this doesn't allow me to gain weight which i want to do. what's the best way i can gain weight? i can gain about 5 or so lbs but then it kind of stops there.


Read labels for a few days to estimate your average caloric intake. I would then work up to increasing that by 500 calories. Continue eating healthy and lean though, just take in more.

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