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Rejected for a date.


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Ok theres this girl i've been talking to for about a month now. Well it's spring break here and I asked her if she wanted to hang out. She said sure but we just haven't had the time. So I just went ahead and asked her on a date(I know too fast) next weekend and she said she wasn't interested in dating anyone right now. I just that was cool and we're still gonna hang and stuff. But should I just count that as a friendly rejection and move on? Or should I keep taling to her and see what happens after we build more of a friendship?

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Hey, well done! You actually went for it and got your answer - that's more than a LOT of people do in life.


Yeah, doesn't sound like she's interested - but now you're free to go and meet that gorgeous foxy girl that's waiting round the corner for you.


I really admire the fact that you just went for it.

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Hey, well done! You actually went for it and got your answer - that's more than a LOT of people do in life.


Yeah, doesn't sound like she's interested - but now you're free to go and meet that gorgeous foxy girl that's waiting round the corner for you.


I really admire the fact that you just went for it.


Yes, I agree with this as well.


Good for you for having guts! Keep it up.

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Well at one point she kept asking me stuff like "Who's this kaitlyn girl you're goin on a date with?" And she'd say stuff like I don't think you're going as just friends, which made me think she was interested. She also gave me her number very easily and didn't hesitiate when I asked if she just wanted to hang out. Thats what kinda threw me off.

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Well at one point she kept asking me stuff like "Who's this kaitlyn girl you're goin on a date with?" And she'd say stuff like I don't think you're going as just friends, which made me think she was interested. She also gave me her number very easily and didn't hesitiate when I asked if she just wanted to hang out. Thats what kinda threw me off.


She may just like the attention.


However, you can definitely tell how they feel about you.


If a guy I like was to ask me on a date, it'd be a yes. If I was extremely busy. It would be a "I'm busy but how about next thursday at 7?". I'd let him know for sure that I fully liked him, by setting up a date specifically on a different day.


If the girl doesn't like you but doesn't want to make you feel bad, she'll just say she is busy without giving you a date or another time when it would be good. "Maybe next week" is rejection, in my book.

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Hey, well done! You actually went for it and got your answer - that's more than a LOT of people do in life.


Yeah, doesn't sound like she's interested - but now you're free to go and meet that gorgeous foxy girl that's waiting round the corner for you.


I really admire the fact that you just went for it.


i agree! you should be proud of yourself for getting out there and asking her out. sorry she said no, but there are plenty of other women out there!

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If the girl doesn't like you but doesn't want to make you feel bad, she'll just say she is busy without giving you a date or another time when it would be good. "Maybe next week" is rejection, in my book.





For the first time this just happened to me - a coworker, too. Up to this point she had been giving me the "vibe" that she was interested. Others noticed, too! So when I asked for an official date, the response was, "I'll have to check my schedule - I'm super busy. I'll get back to you." A week passed with no response...


Really...the friend in question is put into a tough spot. Think what you'd do in their shoes.

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