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I just ended up telling my friend that I would take her husband out to lunch… PROBLEM!! First off I have never even met the guy (It would make things easer if I were first going to meet him when she was around instead of him just calling me after he gets off of work so I can take him out to eat before he starts his 2 hour commute back home). Second, I know way too much about the guy already. I know he use to be a drug dealer, and still sees no problem with that, I know he's a drunk that all but neglects his wife. I know the horrible things he has said to her.


I guess my problem is that I don't even know how to deal with having to spend time with someone that I despise his actions toward one of the people I value most. This is a man that I would rather spit on than talk to, but I can't let myself do that. I have to show this man the same love I would his wife. Any advice on how appear civil to someone you despise?

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How to appear civil to someone you despise...

Like you said, you don't even know the guy... So how do you actually know what he is like?

When you meet him, just look at the good parts... Don't let anything that he says or does get to you... Don't take anything to heart... Actually, even though he was a drug dealer, he has to be somewhat a smart guy, and you might have some interesting conversations, but I wouldn't bring up the dealing that might be too invasive.. Just smile nod your head, and count the minuets you have left...

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