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yellowish around eyes...suggestions?

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So I just got a new camera and I was playing around with it and taking pictures of myself. I thought I had finally figured out what products and makeup to use for my eyes because they have this yellowish tint all around them. Including the eyelids. I put on products for dark circles under my eyes and on my eyelids. Then I use physician's formula yellow stick to get rid of the blue. And then concealer to cover that. I only put product on my eyelids, no makeup. Do I need to put concealer there too? I feel like even with the makeup, it's still kind of yellowish. Help! It makes me look so tired! (which i am haha)

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I've had a problem with my eyes (especially one of them) being red & a bit yellowish lately. I tried 3 different kinds of eyedrops and none of them helped a bit. My vision even started to get blurry, so I finally saw an optometrist who informed me that I "have very angry meibomian glands". She said they were clogged, probably a result of me not completely washing off my eye makeup. weird, since I've been wearing makeup for years & I actually had been doing a better job lately of washing off my makeup than before.


If your eyes are discolored to the point that other people notice and ask you about it, you might want to consider seeing an optometrist.


If it doesn't really seem serious enough to see a Dr, I would try a concealer & see if that helps.. worth a shot. And you could also try a cream eyeshadow; you kind of paint it on & it dries & stays on much better than a powder eyeshadow.

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It's not my actual eye though...it's around my eyes. LIke the eyelids and circle under my eye


ooh.. well that's good. Still, the eyelid is where the meibomian glands are located. Ask other people if they think your eyes look yellower than most people's.


Also use onyx, gray or navy blue eyeliner on your lids. That will also help cover up your lid colors.

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eh, I don't know. I wear makeup- the whole works- on a daily basis. Takes about 5 minutes to put on in the morning & it looks fine even if you do work out while wearing it. Maybe use a beige colored eye shadow so even if it does wear off it's basically the color of your skin anyway.

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Eyeshadow doesn't stay on my lids either unfortunately. I only wear it if I'm going out to the bar, and it usually ends up in the crease by the end of the night I'm a mess lol


I haven't read through the whole thread yet, but a little tip to make eye shadow last long and prevent creasing:


Dampen an eyeshadow brush, as in a small blush brush, with water and then put it in the eyeshadow and sweep it over your eyes. That's a trick I learned and it makes my eyeshadow last much longer. It will make it go on darker, so make sure you get a shade lighter than what you're wanting it to be, otherwise it will be darker than expected.


I'd go to a dermatologist about the yellowing around the eyes. Being tired usually makes the skin darker, not yellow.

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