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I got dumped for being too good and now struggling to delete his facebook!

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My ex dumped me 4months ago via phone because i was too much too soon,wewere together for 2yrs! and were each others first loves i think, he said i wasmore like a wife and he wasnt ready but the guy who gets me is gnna b very lucky ?!?!?! messed up in myopinion,


i am doing NC,he has called a few times since 2 check i am ok but havent really engaged in convo, he is still on my facebook and wen he uploads new pics it makes me angry/sad but i cannot face to delete him,pls HELP!!!!:sad:

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you are right, he doesn't deserve you. believe him. delete his facebook so you can stop looking at it and move on. HUGS


Once again Annie is spot on!


Do yourself a favor and delete him. You're only making it harder on yourself by following his life now.

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Well in his defense, if he broke up because you were acting more like a wife and he was no where near ready for marriage I am not sure this is a sign that he is just some jerk. if this was yours and his first relationship perhaps it really was just too much for him right now and he was not ready for a commitment. This is likely no reflection on your ability to be a good partner at all and he likely doesn't feel that way either. If he wrote the post here and said he wasn't ready to commit we would give him the feedback that it would be fair to you to let you go and find someone who is ready, so I think he was being fair and just with his decision.


I think it will fare better for you and help you to heal better to remove the negativity about him from your heart and realize he just wasn't ready for this level of relationship. Just remove him from facebook like pulling a band aid off and i would encourage you to send positive thoughts his way, because I truly believe we get back what we put out in life.

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if you really don't want to delete his facebook but don't want to keep getting bombarded with pictures and things like that, you can do what I did and simply prevent any updates from him from being displayed. Facebook does not inform him that you have limited him and the only way you see his goings on is if you deliberately read his wall ( I have managed to have the will power not to do that for two months now, knock on wood) I forgot how to do it and I have to run but I'll post how to do it later if anyone's interested

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First off sounds like he was not ready and may have been scared of it getting more serious. Also sounds like a mistake on his part. He may look back and regret his decision. Can you not delete him because of emotional reasons, or can you not find out how to? If it is the how to go under settings and privacy and block the person with the feature at the bottom. He can no longer see you and I believe you can longer see what he does. At least just remove him from friends if it is a problem for you. When my ex left me I was devastated. But when she blocked me that furthered no contact and after 1 1/2 years of not talking we can at least be civil. Nothing left of the relationship but not the resentment that originally existed.

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I think deleting him may just cause an unnecessary reaction and/or burn bridges.

I haven't deleted my ex from Myspace; I just try to look at his page less (it's been 2.5 months and I've stopped obsessing over it). With his Facebook, I just don't look at it. I'm sure I will again sometime but I'm not healed enough right now.


It's up to you, but personally I would just keep him there, block his updates quietly as to not make a fuss, and try to move on without any kind of drastic move. There tend to be more regrets, I've found, by reacting than by doing nothing at all.

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OK sweetie... delete his facebook... and think of how much better the next guy will be. You are absolutely geogeous. and it's his loss not and your gain. I had to dleete all of his websites and email addys and numbers just to stay focused. You can do it. I promise. post on our NC contact post and we will help you stay on track on remember you are wonderful and its' his loss!!!


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I think deleting him may just cause an unnecessary reaction and/or burn bridges.

I haven't deleted my ex from Myspace; I just try to look at his page less (it's been 2.5 months and I've stopped obsessing over it). With his Facebook, I just don't look at it. I'm sure I will again sometime but I'm not healed enough right now.


It's up to you, but personally I would just keep him there, block his updates quietly as to not make a fuss, and try to move on without any kind of drastic move. There tend to be more regrets, I've found, by reacting than by doing nothing at all.


I agree completely, I also havent checked facebook or myspace since the breakup, I suppose if you need to go on to talk with other friends and stuff this might not be as helpful but if you stop going on this adds to your NC x10, plus you wont be tempted to look at him or her everytime you go on

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