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10 signs shes not interested....


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yes you forgot to quote that I have also met alot of men who do the same thing as well. Men and woman both do it ^_^ so don't sit here and act like woman are responsible for games because little boys do it as well.


Men might do the samething but we don't sit here and mess with someones head all day then keep leading on that little ounce of hope like women seem to.


You sound like you have been hurt alot by some woman in your past. Not all woman are like that ya know. Dating itself is not so easy.


Some women .....................hahaha! try all of them!. All women are like that as far as I know.

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Men might do the samething but we don't sit here and mess with someones head all day then keep leading on that little ounce of hope like women seem to.




Some women .....................hahaha! try all of them!. All women are like that as far as I know.


Re-phrase that.........."all the woman that you have encountered probably acted that way"...doesn't mean that all woman are alike. You sound quite bitter ^_^ lighten up and maybe someday you'll find a woman that might change your mind.

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Re-phrase that.........."all the woman that you have encountered probably acted that way"...doesn't mean that all woman are alike. You sound quite bitter ^_^ lighten up and maybe someday you'll find a woman that might change your mind.


Thats about 150ish since 12 that they've all acted roughly the same what more can I say.

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I strongly disagree. Men are woosies when they are not interested. They simply avoid all contact with you. Now, this of course, is all the "proof" a woman needs, that the man is no longer interested. If he's not calling, he's not interested. Whereas a woman might say she's met someone or she is "not ready for a relationship", or something like that.


Hahaha, so true. I do that all the time. XD

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The not looking / not wanting to dance and not being too affectionate early on is not ALWAYS a sign of disinterest, it can also be the sign of shyness and inexperience.. In my case I do this with guys in the early stages when I'm still a bit shy and nervous.



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Good post... I think a lot of guys should print out this little checklist and keep it with them!


Heres ten signs I've noticed alot of woman do...speaking from personal experience and many gf's of gf's of woman repeating also LOL! Not being bias or anything but the truth does sting a bit sometimes too and don't forget woman get dropped and rejected too so don't feel too bad guys.


1) if you ask for her number and she says, "no" or "I already have a bf" and or even "How about I'll just call you instead"

I've had this happen quite a few times, especially if I haven't spent much time around them. This really is the most common objection.


3)If she doesn't want you to meet her friends/families.

This one is hit and miss. When I was younger some of my gf's were reluctant to introduce me to parents because they didn't think they would like me. I had a bad reputation for getting into fights and in trouble with the law.


4)getting down on the dance floor, if she’s not looking at you, she’s not looking for you. .

* * * ? My gf does this now! LOL she looks around like Stevie Wonder! If were slow dancing, thats different.



7)SHE SAYS SHE ISN'T LOOKING FOR A BOYFRIEND.....(it even sucks more when you see her with another guy the next day).

I have had a girl tell me that, and I was like me neither. So we kept it casual. Then she got all possesive when she found out I was sleeping with other women. I was like... uhh didn't we decide...?




You guys/gals can add more or critique my ten signs but I find these to be pretty true and accurate!!! There are plenty fish in the sea....so keep searching...I think the mistake alot of men make is they keep pursuing and being to persistent when a woman clearly has told him shes not interested which can scare a woman off too.

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Thats just the truth about women dear.


If you look around you'll see that other men are speaking those same words as well.



honestly I think you've been burned by some chick in your past thats why your so bitter but you should print out this list and keep it for a reference. These are possible signs for you to use in the future when you meet another chick that you think is playing you seriously.

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honestly I think you've been burned by some chick in your past thats why your so bitter but you should print out this list and keep it for a reference. These are possible signs for you to use in the future when you meet another chick that you think is playing you seriously.


I already know when chicks are playing me. Thats how manytimes I have been f'ed over.


Almost all the girls I have met have done this which leads me to believe women are what they are.

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