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PCOS and weight loss

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I tried really hard and GAINED weight... how did you do it?

And I need to lose A LOT.




What's your diet like? I basically cut out all processed foods and tried to eat things in their most natural state. This included fruit, vegetables and only whole grain foods. I'm a vegetarian, so obviously I don't eat meat. I've actually read that people who eat lean meat have an easier time than vegetarians when it comes to weight loss, but I don't really know. White carbs are definitely something to stay away from. I know that people with PCOS tend to crave them, but you have to keep the cravings under control.


When it comes to exercise you need to do a combination of cardio and weight training. The cardio will help burn the fat and the weight training will help build muscle (which also helps to burn fat).


Most importantly, don't slack off. It's easy to do this when you don't see results immediately. I know I used to get depressed about not being able to lose any and I'd go and eat things I shouldn't eat! It was totally counter productive.

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I really hope so, I've gained a couple of pounds and its really depressing!


I think I'll cut out alcohol for a while... its just empty calories and hangovers suck


Definitely cut out the booze. Just one beer can contain around 200 calories. If you're having several of them in a night plus food, you're bound to be consuming more than you should be. I also find drinking lowers my motivation to exercise.

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Fruits and veggies, whole wheats, cheese sometimes, chicken, fish, water, tea.

I do lots of cardio usually.


It just used to be a lot easier for me to lose. In the last year, things got bad and I gained so much that I can't lose now.


That sounds good. As I'm sure you know, it's important to keep portion sizes smaller than usual. There's no good eating a large amount of veggies if by consuming them you are getting more calories than you would if you ate something less healthy.


I saw in some of your other posts that you've been pretty depressed lately. That can't be good for weight loss motivation. You should probably try to sort out what's going on there too.

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  • 2 years later...

I wonder if anyone will respond if I post here. Do you mind me asking how you ladies are doing with your PCOS/weightloss? Recently able to talk about being diagnosed and starting to deal with it. As for feeling like a fat annorexic - I definitely want to avoid that. I've had eating disorders before, and it was hellish.

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